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Natsuki and I got our schedules together and next Tuesday (22nd), Natsuki and I will be holding a live chat together - for the first time ever!

It'll be excellent fun - there'll likely be alcohol present and I don't really know what to expect BUT to kick things off, I'll need you guys to send in your questions in the comments section below

Also, if you have any ideas for challenges or things you want to see on the show, please go ahead and leave your ideas in the comments section below!

The show will be held here:


For those of you who won't be able to make it, the show will be viewable after the event.

If you have any other questions ask away below! Other than that, really looking forward to it folks!

Many thanks for your support,




Andrew Lee

Can't wait till I see the live stream! Thanks Chris! I don't know any challenges unfortunately! Maybe try the salt and ice challenge hahaha!


Hey guys, leave any questions you want answered below! And if you have any challenges you want us to do on the show, we're open to ideas.


I don't know about questions but doing tongue twisters with Natsuki would be satisfying to watch.


Oh, you and Natsuki playing word at a time improv (One person starts saying a word then the other person follows it up with another, go back and forth for a couple minutes and read the end result) That game descends into madness quick with native speakers, let's see where Natsuki takes us. XD


oh SHIT. I don't know if you want drinking challenges only, but I'd love to see you try to recreate some movie scenes. After your story about the doctors, I'd like to know about how it is interacting with other non-english speakers when you're trying to get stuff like a haircut or talking to a mechanic or something. Have you ever had any trouble with important interactions?


Without consulting one another, you and Natsuki each think of 10 adjectives that best describe Japan. Read aloud and discuss during the live chat.

Laura Beaumont

Aww I think I'll be heading to work at that time. Excited to see the video though!


Do either of you drink Boba Milk Tea? Is it popular over there?


Hey guys, looking forward to the live, I'm off that day so sweet!


Hey Natsuki, what sounds or words always seem strange to you when you speak English, do you try and rein in the ohh at the end of usual Japanese sentences? You're great and I would love to have your level of English in Japanese! Slainte (kanpai) from Ireland


As a challenge, which one of you can demonstrate in their other language the oddities (perceived or otherwise) of the other person's language?


Thank you for doing a stream at lunchtime in the UK, looking forward to it. Natsuki mentioned that he liked The Clash in your London video, can you ask him what other music he likes and what attracted him to English punk? And has he heard of Bo Ningen? Thank you!


Well guys, looks like Christmas came a month early. Time to stock up on alcohol 'cause who doesn't love playing along at home?


You introduced natsuki to marmite before, now introduce him to vegemite!


If you can date any celebrity, who would you guys date?


Tongue twister: say Toy Boat five times as fast as you can P.S say any tongue twister you know especially the ones native language to each other


I'm going to be in college during this. It will add to the education of the day.

Mike Rees

Right at the start of my lunch break :D How often do you guys meet up and not think about Youtube related stuff?


So how often do you meet up with Natsuki san? Once a week? Once a month?


Have you ever actually won a bet against Natsuki? If you haven't, will you try again some time, or have you decided to just cut your losses? I'd recommend the latter, Natsuki's a beast. -regrads


Haha no I haven't actually - and tomorrow we're undertaking another challenge involving ramen...

Laura Beaumont

I guess the only thing I'd want to ask Natsuki is what he thought of the drawing I sent! :D Hope to finish the colored version soon btw. Have fun guys! Drink one (or three lol) for me!


You and Natsuki should have a live staring contest! Rules from Google below: A staring contest is when two people stare at each other until one person blinks, laughs, or looks away. The first person to do this loses the contest. There are some ways you can improve your chances of winning such as developing techniques to keep your own eyes moist or distract your opponent.


Is it possible for someone (who isnt Japanese) to attend a university in Japan?


When you were in the JET program, did you teach a multiple schools or did you just teach at one school? Did you teach multiple classes or just have one?


To Chris: Out of all the time you've spent with Natsuki, what stands out as your favorite moment with him? To Natsuki: Out of all the time you've spent with Chris, what stands out as your favorite moment with him? (Bonus question for Natsuki: What kind of polish do you use to maintain your golden diamonds?)


Chris: How do you feel about making friends with people who already know who you are? If someone came up to you and knew/was a fan of your channel, would you simply put them in the "fan" category, or would you consider a friendship with them if you hit it off? I'm always curious about this as most YouTubers do not address it. I know you're a little "smaller", so maybe your opinion differs on this as opposed to the giant YouTubers, but I think it still applies to you. Thanks!!


Do the Mannequin Challenge with Mr. Snuggles, Natsuki and you showing of your best pose each. Let the viewers decide a winner. 🙅🏻‍♂️🙆🏻‍♂️🐱


Hi guys, was wondering about what series do either of you watch, GOT, the wire etc... Specifically Chris, since your time there, are you fond of any Japanese series à la Eastenders ? Or is TV just to unbearable to watch!