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Hey guys,

I hope you've all had a fine weekend and are ready for Monday.

My Bizzare First Experience at a Japanese Doctors 

►►► In this week's article I recall my first (strange) trip to see a Doctor in Japan. You can find it attached below!

Feel free to leave your questions/thoughts below on the video or the article! Happy to answer any questions! Enjoy!




Andrew Lee

Thanks for uploading Chris!


How do you avoid getting content ID'd for using non-royalty-free music? Seems nobody else can get away with it


Hi Nick! Actually, often I don't get away with it - the video gets demonetised. Case study: The Marmite video last year - the soundtrack "The Hall of the Mountain King" got flagged. It was a disaster given the video went viral and I lost potentially a few thousand dollars of revenue over the course of the year. At the time I figured it was a worthy sacrifice as the music made the video 10 times better. Then I discovered I could have bought the soundtrack royalty free for about $20 and felt like throwing myself off a bridge.


awesome stuff about the doctor's trip! interesting perspective, never really even considered that before!


Awesome preview! Can't wait to see the whole thing! Just read your "visit to the doctor" blog and can kind of relate. I was in the emergency room two days ago due to vomiting/dehydration and got an IV as well! Hooray! Biggest pain in the ass was that the TV in the congregational "zombies with IV machines" holding area was tuned to BBC world news and all they talked about for six hours was the results of the US election. Good thing I was able to fall asleep a few times. That was so boring. Definitely looking forward to your take on it though! :)


I'd like to point out that I don't look unfavorably towards people who voted for Trump. Honestly, it was a horrific choice (awful candidates) and I realize so many people are fed up and feel left behind, living their day to day existence through credit cards, whilst the people on tv brag and show off their wealth and affluence. It's understandable people would go for the more 'extreme' choice in the hope of changing things. At the same time, I can't deny I'm somewhat uncomfortable that Donald Trump will have command of a few thousand nuclear warheads given his lack of political experience. It's a strange situation to comprehend.


Well the doctors in China really love IV drips as well. So I was born in a small city in China. I had asthma since I was very young, but the doctors in my city didn't know that it's asthma. So every time I was having difficulty breathing, they would IV pump the hell out of me, usually a week of Penicillin and various other medicines . And by that time my asthma would died down on it's own which showed that Penicillin works and they kept doing it for a long time. So now I'm in Canada, almost all the non prescriptive medicines works on me. Even some weaker prescriptions doesn't work either. I had to ask the doctor to give me the strongest drugs they have for it to have effects on me.


Are you and Lily an official couple??


looking forward to this video . . . awesome sense of humor sir!


oh boy I wouldn't be able to handle a surprise needle attack. I'll just have to avoid the doctors if I ever come to live in Japan :)

Laura Beaumont

What a nutty ordeal! Please say you were able to keep the throat drawing.


You joke about keeping IVs in the cupboard, but I've known a few nurses who have come in early for a shift after a heavy night out and hooked themselves up for a few minutes. Of course...I would never do anything so wasteful with the limited resources of the NHS... ;) I do have one question- are there any English speaking medical facilities in Japan? I've always wanted to work in the country, but my Japanese isn't good enough to work in native hospitals and my degree doesn't really allow me to apply for something outside of medicine XD Alas, I've resigned myself to a long, hard road to JLPT N1 before I can really consider it :/


That preview was gold


Are you not afraid of getting copyright id on that video into???


Do you have the red crayon drawing from the doctor visit still?


Hahahah you should get that drawing framed, Chris!!! (If you still have it somewhere)


I'm afraid not - shame really. It would probably go down well as a post modern art piece.


i actually lolled about the begin of the preview haha, cant wait to see it!


Ever thought about using drones in your videos? @_@


Yes! Considering buying one in the next month or so actually. Undecided on what one but the Mavic could be the best choice. Any advice?


What's the name of the video editing software are you using?


It's a bit late, but I hope the recent Sendai earthquakes haven't impacted you too much! Also, what happened to this video? I can't see it on your page.


Is the video delayed or so?


I remember going to Fukuoka for a 4 day trip for a Korean passport. The first day was awesome and then suddenly I got very very ill. I could barely move and I was stuck in the capsule with a mini-fan at the end. Not sure what happened but that's probably the worst I've felt in my life. The hotel owner wrote out a list of medicines for me after watching me charade all my symptoms. 2 days in a capsule, in cherry blossom season.....


Will this video be released any time soon? I depart for Japan in several months. Haha.


Back in August, Trump stated that "if the US is attacked, all Japan would do is 'sit home and watch Sony television'" (he forgot the word "at") in regards to his frustration over the US-Japan treaty. Would love some perspective on that bit of wisdom.


Chris, please.... I need to see the full video.... if I don't see it soon... I-I don't know what I'm gonna do


Is the full video out yet? :o