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So today started with a bang - quite literally.

I nearly had a heart attack when I was awoken at 6am by my phone sounding off the incredibly loud earthquake alarm; it's honestly the most horrific noise in the world.

- Seriously, this is what it sounds like: https://youtu.be/b5fFXa_xh4U

And then the whole building trembled so badly, I jumped out of bed to stand in the doorway (a preventative measure in case the ceiling collapses).

Fortunately, despite the magnitude 6.3 earthquake nothing serious followed, although my heart wouldn't stop pounding for 20 minutes afterwards.

What a fun start to the day!

It would appear I'm now 30 years old; I always thought when you hit 30 years old, you secretly get magic powers that only adults know about, but nothing's happened yet so I'm f*cking disappointed to be honest.

On the upside, tomorrow I'll be doing a live stream on Abroad Perspective (starts 10pm JST), where I'll be sitting at my desk trying various Japanese alcoholic drinks and answering questions.

Hopefully you can make it to the show and watch that unfold, but for those of you that can't, it'll be available to watch afterwards.

Live Show: https://youtu.be/_GSEvjCyKIc

And the second piece of news is Ryotaro's first video is now up! 

Get ready for the best 20 second opening to a video you'll probably ever see, as well as the phrase "ALI MASK ON". It's even more absurd and brilliant than I'd ever dreamed.

Watch Ryotaro's Japan:https://youtu.be/gyo62Tv7Kps

And if you're wondering how I'm spending my birthday, I'll be buying an ethernet cable (to make sure my WIFI doesn't screw me in tomorrow's live show), recording a podcast with Pete, eating some Family Mart fried chicken and of course, hosting the Live Show.

I won't lie, it's not entirely how I'd imagined turning 30. But hopefully it'll still be a fun one, given the current circumstances!

Obviously we've got the new video on "Crazy Engrish" to look forward to later in the week as well and having spent the day filming it, it's shaping up to be pretty damn hilarious.

But for now guys, enjoy the rest of your day and Ryotaro's first video - it's time to roll into bed. Fingers crossed we don't have any more damn earthquakes tonight.



I'm Turning 30 Years Old Today. Meet me here!

I'd always hoped to spend my 30th birthday stuffing myself at a reasonably priced restaurant surrounded by friends. However due to self-isolation, instead I'll be sitting indoors trying various alcoholic Japanese drinks while doing a live stream. Come join the fun!


Eyyy J

The earthquake sounds like an omen. It’s all downhill after 30 Chris


Happy birthday Chris! Wishing you all the best!


Happy birthday Chris!! I hope you have a great day and hopefully I can make the stream ^_^


A very happy birthday! I'm 30 next June, who knows if we'll be out of lockdown by then 🙄 anyway, hope you have fun despite the circumstances! Enjoy the sake! xx


Happiest of birthdays! The magic of 30 is coming... just wait for it. You’re probably feel some more pain in your back before you do. 😏


Happy birthday Chris!


happiest of birthdays, Chris! hope you get to celebrate with your friends once this is all over! 🥳


The television alarm sounds like something from Rosetta Stone!😊 ...oh! And happy birthday too!

Karen Hainstock

Happy birthday!! Honestly my 30s have been my best decade so far. Enough knowledge and self awareness to know what I should do, and the motivation to finally do it, and significantly fewer concerns about other people's opinions (not a YouTuber so your mileage may vary on that one).


Happy 30th! Maybe the earthquake was the product of your new adult powers, but you just haven't learned to wield them yet? Try not to shake down all of Japan, Mr. Broad! 😁


Happy Birthday, Chris! You're the only person I know who calls his birthday party "the show". 😉


Happy Birthday Chris! I hope you are having a blast despite the earthquake and possible aftershocks. Stay safe! I myself was caught up in the 2018 Osaka earthquake and that was only 5.6! (But 6 lower on the Shindo scale). The aftershocks scared the shit out of me for the next month of my internship in Kyoto.


Happy Birthday. Take care and stay safe x


Big ol happy birthday to you Chris! Thanks for all the laughs!

Nynke de Haas

Belated happy birthday then! I just let some rice boil over on my brand-new electric stove in honour of you ;). I'll try to join the live stream tomorrow morning!


Happy Birthday young man!


Looking forward to the Engrish vid lmao, but more importantly i'm pretty excited for the bday livestream!


Happy womb flume day, Chris! Congrats on making it through yet another year! 🎂 🎈 🎉

Jette Nielsen

Happy birthday! When I turned 30, three years ago it felt like a weight lifted off my shoulders. It was a relief and I felt like I was finally myself. Weird. So I'm enjoying my thirties and I'm absolutely sure you will too. What a way to wake up though! I hope you had a wonderful day ❤👍


Happy Birthday! Be well!


Happy Birthday Chris!! I'll try to wake up in time just for your stream!


Happy birthday mate, and don't die!


Happy birthday Chris, it might not be how you imagined it but it's a memorable one for sure! So glad you're spending it with us on the live stream. You've achieved a lot by age 30 and this is only the beginning. Thanks for being such an inspiration and bringing so much fun, beauty and joy into so many lives! xxx


Happy Birthday Chris! I'm turning 37 this year and I agree with some of the other comments that the thirties are awesome! I feel more free and relaxed as ever before 😁


2 weeks after I hit 30 my bedtime went from 1am to 11:30pm cause I could no longer keep my eyes open. Its now 6 months in and on the weekends I actually wake up early. Which really upsets me. According to youtube your stream will be during my work tomorrow so hopefully considering I am working from home, I can have it on without issue. Happy Birthday too, hopefully you find a way to have a lot of fun.


Happy birthday! I don't know if any patrons have parachuted in any hilarious gifts like the ones you received for Christmas, if there are plans to do that in less apocalyptic times I'd be happy to join in. In any case I'm sure you'll get a bunch of donations during the stream tomorrow, not too shabby!


Happy Birthday! I turned 30 in Nov 2019 and felt a sense of coolness and gratitude to be in the 30s club. May this year be your best yet!


Happy birthday 🥳🍻 Welcome to your 30s - it’s not as bad as people expect, plus you get to look down on 20 year olds who think they are mature and know everything about life 😂 Now you are 30 you will begin to get startled by loud noises - but It seems like that’s already happened for you 😋 (I’m pleased you weren’t hurt in the earthquake, it must be terrifying)


Happy Birthday!! 🎂


Happy birthday dude! The super power I got was a heightened awareness of the passing of time; it really flies by after 30😂


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday Chris!🎉

Niken Larasati

Happy birthday! Don't worry it won't get any easier than before nor better... Cheers 🎉🎂


Hi Chris, happy birthday and condolences, I’m 33, so can reliably inform you there is nothing good about this. Have a great day!


Well at least you know your 30 year old heart is still healthy and resilient. Thank you earthquake for that valuable lesson ;)


You may find that people take you more seriously now, but only as seriously as you take yourself. The thirties can be a magical time as a young man, make it so. And remember, every year is a gift not given to all, so just have fun and enjoy your Time sir... Happy Birthday! (P.S. I'm 58 and still havin' a ball, when not Locked-down)

Laura Beaumont

Ayeee happy birthday Chris!! 😃 The 30’s are the best so far, you’ll see. Hope you have a great first year!


Happy birthday Chris! Looking forward to joining you on the livestream tomorrow to celebrate! Though it'll be 9AM here so alcohol is probably off the table. lol


Happy birthday chris 🎉


Happy birthday! I'm feeling the lockdown, I'm perhaps one of the last remaining people in Japan on a tourist visa and I have to wait until may to go home because thats the only time I could buy a return ticket that doesn't cost 2 grand... Anyways me and my girlfriend will join you with some shochu of our own. Cheers!


Happy Birthday Chris! 🎉 Hope you have a lovely day! ☺️


Happy Birthday sir!


Happy Birthday Chris! That alarm/noise is ungodly, what a truely horrendous awakening! Enjoy the drinks, Happy Birthday, and stay safe!


Happy Birthday Bro, Love ya legend!


One Cup Sake and Strong Zero (though the mango is good), possibly the two WORST drinks Japan has made but essential for any birthday 😂 happy birthday Chris 💃🏻


Happy Birthday Chris 🎉🥳


Happy Birthday Chris, all the best for the year.


Thanks for the delightful livestream! Im glad to be a part of your online bday party 😊


Happy Birthday, Chris! Your videos helped make my honeymoon the best ever and they're keeping me sane during the quarantine. Your hard work and creativity are much appreciated.


Happy Birthday, Chris! Sorry to miss the live stream, all the best from Canada!


Happy belated birthday, Chris. Came back to your Patreon after a few months of not subscribing. I was a patron of a few others and felt I needed to streamline, so I got rid of all but one (Deep Sky Videos). Missed the content here a lot and came back, and I'm glad I did. Stay safe in these weird times.


Hi Chris. Just wanted to wish you a very Happy 30th Birthday I’m sure it’s not how you envisaged your big day turning out but don’t feel down. Lots of people around the world are thinking of you on this special day. Take care. Stay safe. And I look forward to seeing lots of amazing content in the years ahead with you. Best wishes. Conrad 🎁❤️🇯🇵


Happy belated birthday Chris