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Here’s all the amazing stuff packed into this post!

  • This week’s upcoming Abroad in Japan video
  • Ryotaro’s New Youtube Channel
  • Watch the Exclusive Patreon Video 
  • Live Stream Planned for my 30th Birthday


Hey guys,
I hope you’re having as good a weekend as is possible right now.

So I’m currently halfway through filming a new video on crazy Engrish, in a similar vein to the previous episodes from a few years back (e.g. https://youtu.be/3C-My9-dtXA), inspired by recently purchased shirt which simply reads “Has High Functionality”.

- I still have no idea what it means.

But I love doing them and they’re often amongst the most heavily requested videos; the reason they only pop up every few years though is it takes me months to uncover enough hilarious examples to pack into a satisfying video.

The good news is my many months of foraging for wild Engrish has paid off, and the new video will be up in the next 2-3 days.

However if the prospect of a new Engrish video doesn’t already excite you enough, I come with some unexpected good news.

It seems after years of trying to tempt him to do it, Ryotaro has finally gone and started work on his very own Youtube channel, which he’s originally calling “Ryotaro’s Japan”

This’ll either be the start of great things, or the beginning of the end for his reputation - and admittedly the initial screen grabs from his first video (below) can probably be interpreted either way at this point. (He’s editing them himself).

Obviously, this doesn’t affect him appearing on the Abroad in Japan channel remotely. On the contrary, I’ve been trying to get him to do this for years, so he can make videos whenever he wants. And given he’s been sitting indoors in self quarantine - bored out of his mind - I suspect the virus was the catalyst to the launching of his channel.

From what I’ve heard so far, he’ll be focussed on teaching Japanese, and when the situation improves and we’re able to meet up again, I’ll certainly be visiting him to make some cameos on the channel.

Above all, I look forward to helping him on his journey. Word on the street is the first video is out this week, so the wait for his groundbreaking debut is almost over. As soon as it’s uploaded, you’ll be the first to know.

Unfortunately, despite my numerous efforts to tempt him, Natsuki probably won’t be setting up his own channel any time soon, by virtue of the fact he’s utterly useless with computers, camera, software, or just anything in general to be honest. Still, at least we’ve got his glorious instagram and as soon as this isolation is over, I look forward to hanging out with him. 

It’s my 30th birthday next week (god forbid) and it’s sad we won’t get to have a drink together, but hopefully things will improve soon.

SO then, while you wait for this week’s new video and for the launch of Ryotaro’s new empire, it’s time for this month’s Patreon exclusive episode focussed on learning.

Until now, we’ve done a poll each month so you can decide on the next video, but this month I’m breaking ALL the rules and choosing it for you - mainly because I’m re-editing the videos as I go along and this was the first one I’ve wrapped up.

The topic this month is “How to Create a Successful Youtube Thumbnail,” which I realise may be a bit of a niche, but I think it’s still an interesting lesson in marketing in general and one of the reasons the Abroad in Japan channel has grown to become one of the largest foreign Youtube channels in Japan is because of the time and effort that goes into those damn thumbnails.

How to Make a Successful Youtube Thumbnail


And I say damn thumbnails because I often spend an entire day working on it to make it perfect. But whether you’re looking to start a channel of your own in the future, or just want to hear behind the scenes how I create each thumbnail - hopefully you’ll find the video interesting and valuable.

And in case you’ve missed the previous Patreon Learn videos, I’ll list the three previous videos at the bottom of this post.

The final announcement up my sleeve is I’m currently planning a Live stream on my 30th birthday; given I’ll most likely be sitting indoors eating crisps on April 21st - the day of my birthday - I figured if I can’t hang out with anyone, I may as well hang out with the whole world!

So either in the morning or evening of April 21st, I’ll be hosting a live show on the Abroad Perspective channel - the second time to do a public live show (which is always fairly daunting to be honest). But it should be good fun, and I’ll give you more information on April 20th when I’ve worked out the details! I’ll be sure to post about it on Patreon and social media.

(And obviously this won’t affect next week’s Patreon live show).

I THINK, that’s just about everything for now….
Actually, there’s one more thing - but I’ll save it for Monday’s post.

As always, if you have any questions about the new video, Ryotaro’s channel, the live show, OR ANYTHING, I’ll be hovering in the comments section coffee in hand tomorrow morning, so please fire away.

For now though, wherever you might be in the big wide world, enjoy your weekend and enjoy the video!




How to Make a Successful Youtube Thumbnail 


6 Amateur Vlogger Mistakes | Creating Your Youtube Channel


How to Find Your Self Motivation in the Long Term



Understanding the Japanese Mindset: 3 Key Concepts Explained



How to Make a Successful Youtube Thumbnail

The thumbnail can either make or break a video. Get it right and you could have a hit on your hands and a 100,000 views before bed time. Get it wrong, and all your work will have been for nothing.



i really hope i make it to the live stream! never watched one before 🤭 if i can’t make it, happy early birthday! welcome to the dirty 30 club 😄 it ain’t so bad! 💗


Chris I would like to thank you for these informative videos they truly help not only inspire but make the possibility of starting a youtube channel less daunting.


This is my first time ever to get into Patreon to support a really deserving channel. Thank you for all the production efforts.


Chris, totally not related to your above post...BUT I was thinking about Japan's homeless situation and wondered if you think you'd ever cover this topic? I personally feel if anyone can cover it well and with respect - like you did Fukushima- it would be you.


awesome news! Happy birthday for the 21st! ^_^


I might have missed it but did you tell us why you are releasing all those Tokyo Creative videos? Why did the channel stop?


Happy birthday, Chris! I turned 30 last September and can attest that it's not so bad. Yeah, I've somehow hurt my shoulder in my sleep twice in the last couple of months, but I suppose a few surprising aches and pains managed to sneak into my 20's, too. 😉 Best wishes!

Nynke de Haas

That would be very interesting, especially if it also surveyed the situation in Northern Japan! I also really recommend the series that Greg made on his Life Where I'm From channel.

Nynke de Haas

I turned 30 over a decade ago and had a great party! You can have a catch-up party after the quarantine, Chris, it'll be epic. Doing a live stream will be really fun in the meantime - great plan! Also, being 30 is really not as scary as people seem to think it is :). I wish you a great weekend and am happy to report that my partner and me are finally feeling better and gearing up for work next week (just in time for my new teaching block to start)! It has been ages and I still have very little stamina, but luckily I have found really tasty non-alcoholic beer to swill until I dare take on the Sapporo that I bought before everything went wrong :).


thank you for putting so much time and effort into making these videos (they obviously dont bring you any revenue but you still make them as professional as the ones on your main channel). it is much appreciated :>

Niken Larasati

Man, I was looking forward to vote for number 3 again. LOL. Oh well, at least I have something to look for in youtube 😁 Welcome abroad Mr. Risottoro!


Maybe I could sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to you on your birthday live stream, in return for when yourself and Natsuki sang ‘Happy Birthday’ to me, on my birthday, during the Patreon live stream back in October 😂. Many happy returns for the big 3-0! 🎉


Whoa! Lots of huge news this time! I can't wait to see what Ryotaro does on his channel. And the 30th birthday Livestream! Yes! Can't wait. I'll be there with bells on. Well... Not bells, because I don't own any. But I'll be suitably hyped!


Tokyo Creative experimented with the concept but I think they found it wasn't a viable model given the content took a long time to produce, but subscriptions weren't covering costs. But above all, the company went through some restructuring and the division got the chop. I'm just glad all the time I put into scripting and presenting the videos wasn't wasted, now that they've found a new lease of life here on Abroad in Japan Patreon!


Super excited for Ryotoro's channel!


Damnit Chris, now I want to see the title video!


After watching these informative videos I am also tempted to start my own youtube channel (which I probably never will).


You could call it "Alev's Japan!" -- oh shit, wait, "Alev's Osaka"!


Happy Early Birthday, Chris! I hope I make the livestream, but I'm not sure how it'd work for an Eastern Canada timezone so just wanted to say it now! I'm so excited that Ryotaro is making a Youtube Channel and content, thanks for notifying on that!


Happy birthday, Chris and thanks for the thumbnail video. Looking forward to trying some new things for our podcast cover images. More important we need to get an actual logo. ;) Thanks for all the hours of videos and podcasts, very much enjoy and they were super helpful for our trip last year pre-COVID19!


I feel like putting your own face on your thumbnails is a privilege for established youtubers. I tried doing that but I'm cringing for my own thumbnails. Maybe someday.


Happy birthday in advance, just in case


What's the usual time Chris picks for a morning livestream?


I love Ryotaro but just because he's a native speaker doesn't mean he knows how to teach Japanese. I major in Japanese language and culture and have had plenty of good teachers, enough to know that he doesn't really know what he's talking about


this series is really hepful, Great!!