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Hi Everyone!

I really hope you all like this release, because I am so excited for it! This map is very much inspired by both Indonesian and Indian Hindu temples and art, as well as Cze Peku's dracolich lair battle map (I just thought that the lighting on that map was absolutely stunning, and I really wanted to experiment with the drama). 

As I mentioned in my last update, I am doing something different this time with the phases, meaning that instead of having different variations, I made alternate endings to the encounter. The endings vary from success, to progress, to failure. Here is a little guide I came up with, to let you know my thought process for the phases.

Phase 1

The temple consists of 2 chambers, however, the players would not know that when they first enter. There is, however, a secret door on the north side of the first room. The two statues in this room are statues of a Hindu god Ganesha. Ganesha is considered to be a god of beginnings, letters, arts and sciences. He is also revered as the remover of obstacles. In that spirit, I think it would be fun if the players would either make an offering of letters, or maybe commit to a new beginning of some sort.

Phase 2

Once that is done, the Ganesha statues would shoot the blue beams out of their eyes, signaling to the secret door to be opened. If you want to be super mean, maybe the beams could damage anyone who stands in their path.

Phase 3

Once the obstacle of the secret door is removed, it reveals a large chamber behind it. During this phase you can either start combat with some sort of a creature or creatures. Perhaps the ancient guardians of the ritual temple awaken to perform their duties. As an alternative, the players could find scrolls that describe a ritual that has to be taken place in this chamber in order to reveal a treasure.

Phase 4

In this phase, the golden guardian in the middle of the room is going to start powering up his eye beams. This will signal the players that either something really good is about to happen.. or something really bad (depending on what the DM chooses to do).

Phase 5

Bright blue beams shoot out of the guardian's eyes, and connect to the nine statues all around the room. Again, if you want to be really mean, the beams could do damage to your players if they are in the way. You can also use this opportunity to summon more guardians to fight the PCs. As an alternative scenario perhaps the eye beams are there due to the players  failing to perform a ritual correctly... (this is the last common phase between all the endings.)

Phase 6 -10 (Bad Ending 1 - Water filling the chamber- free version) 

Having failed to perform the ritual correctly, the chamber shuts the exit door, and the guardian's mouth starts to pour water into the chamber until it is completely full. If you want to be really mean... and kill your players, make the cracks in the ceiling that let in the light, be filled with unbreakable glass, so when the chamber fills with water, they either drown, or find another way out. They could either swim through the guardian's mouth, and see if they can find an exit that way, use magic to shift the stone and get out, or break the correct statue to find a secret exit.  

Phase 6 (Good Ending 1 -  Treasure Chest - available to Bronze Tier Patrons and up) 

In this case, the players performed the ritual correctly, and are rewarded with a treasure chest that appears where the golden guardian used to be in the middle of the room.  

Phase 6 (Good Ending 2-  Treasure Chest + Secret Door - available to Silver Tier Patrons and up) 

In this phase, the players again succeeded in the ritual, and not only they are rewarded with a treasure chest, but also a secret door is revealed on the north side of the chamber, behind the middle statue.  

Phase 6 (Good Ending 3 - Secret Door - available to Silver Tier Patrons and up)

In this phase, the PCs are yet again victorious, however, only the secret door on the North side of the chamber opens up, allowing the players to progress further.  

Phase 6-10 (Bad Ending 2 - Poison Gas - available to Gold Tier Patrons and up)

In this scenario, the players fail their task, and the chamber starts to fill with poison gas over the span of 5 additional phases.

And the final note: you can mix and match the endings as well. For example, perhaps your players managed to successfully drain the chamber off the water, you could reward them with a treasure chest that opens up in the middle.

The free version of this release is attached at the very bottom of this post.

Let's take a look at all of the Patron things that are available in this release:

Bronze Tier Patrons have access to the following rewards (in addition to the version that can be seen above, the track, and the items): Good Ending - Chest

Bronze Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-water.zip

Silver Tier Patrons gain access to all Bronze Tier Rewards PLUS the following variations: Good Ending - Chest and Secret Door Revealed, and Good Ending - Secret Door revealed (without the chest)

Silver Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest-and-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-water.zip

Gem Tier Patrons gain access to both Bronze and Silver tier rewards.

Silver Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest-and-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-water.zip

Sign up for this tier here.

Gold Tier Patrons have access to everything from the previous tiers PLUS commercial license to use my maps and art in your published adventures PLUS print resolution maps PLUS the following variations: Bad Ending - Poison

Gold Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest-and-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-poison.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-water.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part1.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part2.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part3.zip

Sign up for this tier here.

Platinum VTT Tier Patrons gain everything from the previous tiers PLUS access to Foundry VTT Map Packs. This is the latest pack that was released pre-configured for Foundry: 

Platinum Tier Patrons can download their rewards for the Ritual Temple Phased Battle Map here: dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest-and-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-poison.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-water.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part1.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part2.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part3.zip

As well as the VTT Ready Packs found here.

Sign up for this tier here.

Diamond Tier Patrons gain access to everything from previous tiers, as well as my giant big huge thanks for supporting me! They also get to give me an Easter egg to include in my maps once a month XD.

Diamond Tier Patrons can download their rewards here: dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-chest-and-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-door.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-poison.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-water.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part1.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part2.zip | dww-ritual-temple-phased-print-part3.zip

As well as the VTT Ready Packs found here.

Sign up for this tier here.

If you are not my Patron yet, and you like my work, please consider supporting me by becoming one. I have been on Patreon since 2019, and went full time in September 2020. I consistently release 3-4 map packs a month that include mostly phased battle maps with lots of variations, items, assets, and even encounters. Sign up here.



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