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Hi everyone!

I wanted to post a quick update for you all about the progress of the next map. I was debating whether to start working on a crashing train phased map, or this ritual temple phased map, both of which I've been wanting to create for a while now. I decided to go with the temple idea, and save the train for a later day.

I am doing something different with this one. I always feel like phased maps are great because they bring great dynamic into the fight... but I also feel like that may be a little "railroady". So with this one, I want to make several end phases, where the outcome of the encounter will not be so linear. I only hope that it won't be too confusing for people - that's really been my only reservation when it comes to alternate endings.

There will be a ritual that takes place in phases on this map, however, the ending will depend on what the DM wants to do... or the player's actions. These are the endings I could think of so far, once the ritual is complete: 1. A staircase opens up in the middle of the large room, that leads to a chest. 2. The statue at the very top of the large room reveals a secret door. 3. Combination of #1 and #2 4. The room starts filling with water out of the "golden guardian's" mouth (the big golden boy in the middle of the room) - this will add a few more extra phases to the map as water fills the room. 

Are there any other endings you could think of? Please comment below or ping me on Discord if you do!

P.S. I really hate to do this, but I MAY be a day late to release this one. That's because today I've been having one of the worst headaches of my life. It's been so bad that I feel physically nauseated by it :{. I am still hoping to release it tomorrow, but I figured I'd give you a heads up, that there is a chance it might be a day late.



Heiner de Wendt

Aside from that, I love the map already! An alternative ending could be that some kind of magic or poisonous gas comes out of the golden mouth thingy. I could also see a King Midas scenario, where everything slowly turns into gold.

Heiner de Wendt

Oh, and... health always comes first. You're more important than a couple maps, no matter how cool those are. Take care of yourself!