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Hello everyone!

This will be a little bit of a different post than what I normally do.

While Alorth and I grind away on Chapter 5, I wanted to direct your attention to a few games that I personally think are well deserving of your attention and recognition! Make no mistake, this is not a paid ad or a cross promotion, and I did not request anything in return from the developers of these games. Rather, these are all games that I personally really enjoy that I want to share with others so they can enjoy them too!

So without further ado...

Here's a list of games to try while you wait for Radiant Chapter 5!

1. Out of Touch! by Story Anon 

Honestly... I was really not expecting to enjoy this one as much as I did. I rarely play games made in "Koikatsu" (anime aesthetic), and those I've tried have all felt a little... lacking. This was not the case with Out of Touch. I was immediately drawn in and hooked on this game's story... and in my opinion, this is the most criminally underrated adult game in existence right now.

Out of Touch is a highly stylized, psychedelic harem dramedy where you assume the role of a guy named CJ: a rather airheaded but loveable fellow who only wishes to protect and love his rather broad group of cute, equally loveable, and substantially freckled friends. But things aren't really... what they seem and "protecting them" is much harder than it sounds on the surface.

Now, I could go into great detail telling you what I mean by that... but that's for you to find out! Instead, I'll tell you why I loved this game: 

First, the girls: I honestly don't think there's a single female character in this game who I didn't immediately fall in love with. Second, the writing: OoT is one of the most well-written lewd games out there, and the story is good enough to be made into its own anime. Finally, the game's production: this is a highly stylized, beautiful game-world with mesmerizing music, visual effects, animations, and even gameplay. I honestly can't think of a single negative thing to say about Out of Touch, and if you guys trust in my ability to spot a good lewd game, then you must go try it.

2. Above The Clouds by Mundo

Mixing adult content and comedy is no easy feat... but Above The Clouds is the perfect example of how incredibly well this can work. In another example of a game that is in my opinion criminally underrated... we have Above The Clouds: a game that has had me absolutely cackling on more than a dozen or so occasions. 

While "comedy" in this genre may not be for everyone... AtC has no shortage of what you're probably looking for: some of the hottest, most picturesque girls I've ever seen... loveable characters, an abundance of cuteness... and a unique flair that sets it apart from most other games. It also has very competent writing and addictive storytelling. Pair this with the high quality, animated sexual content...
and you've got what is right now one of my favorite games in development.
I can't praise this enough... go play it! You're missing out!

3. One Day at a Time by Zoey Raven

Few games in the industry do what One Day at a Time attempts to do... and those that try often fail. Yet in this case, "doing things differently" is what makes this game so damn enjoyable and sets it above many others. ODT is a dark, gritty story about a couple who is struggling with substance abuse and addiction. You assume the role of the male in said relationship, and players are presented with choices that steer the course of their lives as they navigate some rather brutal aspects of reality.

The thing that stands out to me the most in this game is its grounded storytelling. It doesn't attempt to be overly dramatic, it's not a glorification of substance abuse, and you wont be beaten over the head with unrealistic consequences for your actions or lessons in morality. You'll feel a real sense of responsibility and experience believable relationships with girls who, while flawed, are quite cute and loveable. This makes ODT a breath of fresh air, and I can't stress this enough: Go play! Go!

4. Love of Magic by Droid Productions

This next game has slowly built its reputation from the ground up... and while it has a significantly larger following than the other games mentioned, I still believe it is among the more underrated of titles in the industry. Love of Magic excels above most games in many ways: there's cutscenes, unique and addictive gameplay mechanics, incredible music, and literal mountains of content.

You play as a guy who leaves home and heads to Scotland... where he attends a prestigious university on scholarship. There's just one thing...

This university happens to be a school of magic. It is brought to your attention not only that magic is real, but that you're a rather powerful mage yourself... able to visualize your talents in the form of, well, poker.

Enough about that though... what makes LoM so awesome, in my opinion, is its incredibly immersive world, interesting characters, and most notably... the droves upon droves of effort Droid pours into the game's overall production quality. He pulled no punches when making Love of Magic feel like a true gamer's game... and despite this not always being preferred by players when it comes to games of the "adult" variety, it works incredibly well here and is surprisingly enjoyable. Pair this with some really high quality writing, adorable girls, and a massive variety of lewd and romance... and you have a near perfect game.




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