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Hey guys,

With the end of the month fast approaching... I wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you to all those who've supported us in the month of May and the months prior... especially with all the craziness of COVID-19. 

I hope all of you are hanging in there, and I'm very happy to be providing a service that helps us all keep our sanity/brings people enjoyment. Those who have experienced hardships during these times truly have my deepest condolences... and if anyone needed to chat my DMs are always open.

The current progress of Radiant is stable and I've nothing substantial to report just yet. Both Alorth and myself are about to be making huge strides with the coming update, and in-turn I'll be able to post a more definitive timeline in a couple of days.

For those of you who are able/willing to continue their pledge into the coming month: thank you. I truly appreciate it. In the event that you notice a slight variation in the amount charged by Patreon, please note that they are applying site-wide sales tax which will apply to everyone globally -- even those living here in the United States.

With that said... the amount should be rather insignificant / not make too much of a difference. I also wanted to point out that anyone who had to drop their pledge due to the COVID-19 crisis: don't fret. We will be here when/if you're able to return... and by the time you do, there will be lots of new content for you to consume. I know just as well as the next person what it's like to fall into financial struggles as I've suffered through them myself.

You can expect some awesome exclusive content in the month of June: the 4K monthly wallpaper will be up tomorrow or the next day, we're going to start posting preview images, you'll see a few more polls and progress updates, and if things go well we very well may have a huge surprise near the end of the month.

By the way... enjoy what is arguably the cutest thing Alorth has ever created. We wanted to give you guys an all-patron 4K render as a way of saying thanks for everything. Time to kick off this exciting month the right way! See y'all soon.



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