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Sir Dammed: "Gonna post a progress update this Thursday guyz."

Also Sir Dammed: *Radio silence on Patreon for 2 weeks straight.*

Uhm... sorry about that.

Progress Update as of 22 MAY 2020:

As most of you well know, Alorth and I are the types who take our time so that we can provide high quality work. This ensures there are no glaring flaws or mistakes in the game's story, code, renders, etc. and just makes the game better overall. Because of this, as announced previously, we aren't quite sure as to an exact update schedule just yet.

With that said... I am pleased to announce that we are roughly 55% done with Chapter 2. Needed characters have been created, the second draft of the script has been written, the code has been outlined, and we are preparing to enter "grind mode" and start cranking out the required renders.

I will say that you can expect to wait another 20 days minimum for Ch2 of Radiant... but in the meantime we will be having all sorts of good fun and posting some nice rewards for your patience here on Patreon... not to mention the 4K monthly wallpaper coming this June!

I will also begin posting weekly preview renders once we've entered the next phase of the development cycle... though I do recommend avoiding these if you like to avoid any/all things "spoiler related." I would of course never post a direct spoiler... but there are definitely those who want to only see such content when playing the game itself.

And that's it for now guys... I wish I had more to give you... but what I can say is that Ch2 will be absolutely awesome and well worth the wait!

Thanks for reading...


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