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AWWWW EP 497 MY FAV EP in OP :') it's so wholesome and it has my fav trio and fav characters, this ep is what heals the scar you had from Marineford for sure +about the opening, search on YT one piece op 14


I didn't, and most people didn't catch that it was important until much much later. That's just the nature of One Piece. Seemingly innocuous moments turn out to be impactful. Besides, it's not like you can "miss" something NOT being said.

Eric Miller

Regarding Shanks, it's because he got there in the nick of time, and prioritized Luffy's safety before focusing on the fish. Also, he may have had conquers haki, but his mastery over it 10 years ago, may have been lesser than it is today. It's possible he knows he can't save Luffy without giving up his arm, but I think he doesn't even think about the possibility. He is just getting to Luffy as fast as he can. Then when he has Luffy in his arms, he focuses on scaring off the sea beast. I do not think he planned to give his arm, but he has no regret that he lost it saving Luffy's life.

Tom Selmer

Funny how you reacted to a random white pearl necklace from gray terminal, but never reacted to Dadan’s red one 😅