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Cloud Kitsune

Yeah, I don't blame the kid for disliking Zuko once he learned he was a Fire Bender. They've all been in a war for years, against the Fire Nation, and instantly disliking anyone who's part of that group, even if they're good people, is just a knee-jerk reaction.


Kelvin got that baby clean shave let's go

Rebel Pilot

The firenation has such clean drip. The white robes looked so awesome

Rebel Pilot

Also at the kid and others. Not only is zuko a firebender he is part of the royal family and in direct line of sucession of a nation that waged war and colonialised for 100 years.


Zuko hesitated with his name cause the fake name he gave himself was Lee but now this kid is actually Lee lol


Such a good episode. Also, I love Iroh's implied backstory how losing his son changed him and made him the wise and gentle person he now is


This is one of my top 3 episodes of Avatar. So good.

Lenu Wolf

Hands down one of the best episodes of Avatar, so ready to see you guys react to this


Interesting Fact: This is the only episode where Aang and the Gang do not make an appearances