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Viva Sabaody!


So Kokoro IS actually a mermaid. A “dugong”is basically like a manatee, and they were calling her that because she’s “so ugly there’s no way she could be a mermaid.”


Sabaody archipelago is the arc name , top 4 one piece arcs


peak piece right here guys, youre not ready for the next few episodes

Eric Miller

This is it boys. We are on Sabaody. Buckle your pants and hold tight. Everything coming up is peak. Just 10 episodes to 400.


brook burped there lol that wasn't the fart coming from his mouth


I know that you haven't been watching the One Piece movies but I would suggest to start checking them out. Around this time is when Oda becomes a little more involved with them and the movies step up in quality. There is even a reference to Strong World in upcoming episodes. I wouldn't watch it yet, but around 450 is a good place to watch Strong World in order to still understand the references when the anime makes them.


You should do a three episode batch soon. You'll want to have your releases end on odd numbered episodes.


I really like the blue with black shorts drip, it's a close second to enies lobby, clean af and of course........ LFG it's here!!!! Buckle up boys!! Been waiting for this from the very beginning!!!


I think we said we might do movies before the time skip (whenever that is) so once we reach that point we'll catch up on a movie or two


nothing's gon happen here again🤣🤣🤣


Is One Piece only once per week nowadays or something? I feel like uploads used to be more frequent. Not trying to be a jerk but the lack of uploads has got me questioning my subscription coz its quite expensive, but I really like you guys and wanna support the channel Like if the deal is good enough I'll happily stay subbed for most of the journey, but with how it is atm I feel I should only sub once every few months so I have a lot to watch. $20 for a sub is premium price as far as reaction channels go, and week long gaps between uploads is pretty rough. Its hard to get immersed in the journey like this. I don't blame you guys at all for the gaps between uploads tho, I know life is busy etc, just think at this pace the lower sub tier for One Piece would be nicer. Just wanted to give my two cents on how I been feelin, don't mean any offense at all. Do your thing bois


First of all no offense taken! We know you've been supporting this Patreon for a long time which we truly appreciate and would never expect you to be subbed every single month! As for the One Piece uploads they honestly haven't changed (With the exception of when Prez was away recently) we still put out at least 6 eps per week which is 3 videos but the difference now is we record those on back to back days rather than with a gap in-between (so before it would be like Monday then Thursday but now it's Wed then Thursday for example) We always make sure to have 3 OP videos every week to keep it a solid amount ahead of YouTube videos, but again if you need to take a month or so off Patreon we 100% understand that! Just wanted to clear up any confusion


Ah okay I guess since you guys upload a bunch at once instead of a couple every few days it feels like there's less sometimes. I just binge too hard when they're up lmao. Appreciate the response fellas, all is well :)


Duval looks like a Family Guy parody of Sanji.