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I hope he won the run for comptroller, I really do.

You might think I forgot about the after credits and you might be right  but stay until the end for the surprise. 





LMAO the irony of two comptroller stories in one week. Could you imagine the chaos if the Vampires met the gang from Always Sunny? The sad thing is that even though the vampires legitimately kill people each episode... I think they are better people than the Always Sunny gang, just super dumb. I think this was such a great episode, maybe my favorite episode of the show so far. But I am curious, who would you think would drive you craziest first, the Vampires from WWDITS, the Gang in Always Sunny, or the Bluth Family from Arrested Development? Likewise, which group would you rather join permanently? Would you rather become one of the Vampires? join the Gang as their newest member? or Marry into the Bluth Family? P.S. hope your hand has recovered!


I think the gang from Always Sunny would drive me crazy first and I would love to become a vampire in WWDITS and be one of them... if they let me, I wouldn't like to be left aside like the poor guide. But they end up having so much fun no matter what, always following their own rules and getting into silly adventures.


They are definitely better people. Just imagine the Sunny Gang with the Mind Control powers, and all the other powers. They would screw people over so damn much. It would be chaos.