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This one was really from my heart because I hate bugs, can't say I don't love you. It was also a really good movie.





Thank you reacting to Starship Troopers; sorry about being inconsiderate of your issues with bugs

Thomas Yanez

I look forward to the day when you get to do more movies regularly. I really enjoy your reaction style. You don't talk just for the sake of talking, but when I know something is going to happen in the movie, I can look over and all the reaction necessary shows in your expressions.

Thomas Yanez

Oh, and this is one of the cases where you want to just steer away from the sequels. They are awfulness incarnate. If you want more by the same director with a similar sense of style, energy and social satire, there are the other two movies that are informally grouped with this one as a trilogy : Robocop (1987) and "Total Recall" (1990).


I adored the book in my youth and while Starship Troopers has gained a cult following for its blend of sci-fi action and satirical elements, it has also drawn criticism for its deviation from the novel's original themes and ideas. One might argue that the removal of the mobile infantry's power armor, the main cinematic element in a book that is more a manifesto than a story was a major mistake. I longed To see that armor on screen. While I still don't dislike it I like this movie a little less each time I see it.


It’s such a fun movie that it’s easy to forget that you’re watching a fascist society invading and then trying to exterminate another species. Satire at its finest.


Yeah, I mostly agree. It's a fun, silly movie that works really well as fascist satire, but it has about nothing to do with the original book. Oh well.


Yeah, the main character's name is Juan "Johnny" Rico. In the book he's Hispanic but Verhoeven made him white to better facilitate making it fascist satire.