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That Pinochet joke still has me laughing





I enjoyed this season, still think the best choice for leader would be Ray or Pam. Ray because he has performed both field and support work in the time we have seen him, and seems to have foresight, if he was really playing fabian. Pam, because she has outta the box thinking and honestly seems to understand the motivations of all the members very well.

David Cleveland

I honestly think that continuing Harley Quinn on a more consistent basis than based on the whims of a randomizer would be a great way to fill the funny, chaotic, action packed animation void that's going to be left now that Archer is done until August 30th (wasn't sure if you knew the date for the final season of Archer so I figured I'd tell you here as opposed to you having to find out about it the day of on TikTok). You've already watched a handful of episodes and appear to quite enjoy it. And with Ted Lasso also ending here in a couple weeks it conceivably shouldn't be too difficult to squeeze it into the schedule in some capacity. 🤔 I mean you don't want to keep Harley, Ivy and sweet ol King Shark waiting do you? 🥺🙏

Nictus Hazeldine

Gonna miss this show so much. But I think you're gonna love Always Sunny.

Daniel M

I am sad to have reached the end of your current Archer reactions. Now I have to wait for the next season.


will you be watching the next season soon it just got released last week the season premiere