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This was peak story telling, what a great revenge plot!




Dave van der Kuyp

Hel. YES. I love this movie so much! Thank you!


Yeah, easily a top-10 all-timer for me. "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" is probably up there too, so... great month. Great cast, Hartnett is great... great cast top-to-bottom but he and especially Lucy Liu are amazing, charming, charismatic, likeable, perfect. Excellent writing, the plot, the way everything is revealed to you when it's time... the dialogue is *so* fun too; not outright funny but so clever and amusing. It's a little reminiscent of the Ocean's movies, I think, with the fun/new terms ("Kansas City Shuffle", "pigtail", etc), but really more than anything else I think it reminds me of "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang." KKBB is another I keep recommending; I think I like Slevin just a little bit better, but KKBB is maybe a movie I actually feel slightly more confident recommending to somebody because... it might not be "better" but it's probably a little more... I hate to even say "more fun" because I don't want to put down Slevin by implying it's "less fun" - Slevin is, IMO, plenty fun - but I'm not sure how else to say it. Slevin is maybe a bit cooler and more satisfying, but KKBB is more fun? Both are all 3, but they lean ever so slightly in those directions, I guess? And, like both WFRR and Slevin, KKBB is another top-10. Both are... maybe not exactly noir, but noir-adjacent? They take elements from noir... but slightly different elements so they end up being different takes on the genre. Each have great dialogue - very witty, quick, snappy, clever; very much the type of dialogue I think of when I think of the genre - but while Slevin is clever and amusing, KKBB is a bit more outright funny. The narration is so damn fun, used so damn well. Robert Downey Jr, Michelle Monaghan, Val Kilmer, Larry Miller (a legendary "that guy"; for me, the movie I most associate him with is "10 Things I Hate About You", which is on the list if you haven't seen it yet. I've been pushing for about 6 or 7 movies; with both WFRR and Slevin knocked out this month, I'll rotate in a few more; "10 Things I Hate About You" probably won't go into the rotation quite yet, but it's just outside, it's in the waiting room)... to me, Slevin and KKBB are great companion pieces to one another. Excellent, masterfully crafted *fun* movies that are both so firmly in my wheelhouse. I can't imagine you won't like KKBB about as much (maybe a little more, maybe a little less, but on the same level). One more time: Lucy Liu! Goddamn. Maybe the best, most charming, fun, charming, endearing, charming woman in a movie ever. Impossible not to fall in love with her in this movie.


For the record: I've been pushing for "Lucky Number Slevin" and "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", as I said; both got knocked out this month. "Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang", of course. Also "Walk Hard", "A Knight's Tale", and "Mr Right". I feel like "Walk Hard" and "A Knight's Tale" are pretty widely beloved classics, shouldn't be hard to get them watched relatively soon. (Although I've been shocked by "Walk Hard" not doing better on the polls. I think about 4-5 movies beat it this month, which floors me. If we're talking *perfect* movies, I think it's "The Princess Bride", "Who Framed Roger Rabbit", and "Walk Hard". That's it, that's the list. I can't believe it isn't knocking on the door more than it seems to be.) KKBB seems to be a bit under-the-radar, but people who know about it love it, and it's not exactly unknown. Just not as popular as you'd think, given it's fucking RDJ in the lead (reportedly the movie that showed he still had the talent to get him cast in Iron Man? Although I think I've heard that about 3 or 4 movies, so... who knows?) "Mr Right" is definitely going to be a tough one to get to win, I'd guess. For whatever reason it seems like nobody has heard of it. It's a RomCom with Sam Rockwell and Anna Kendrick; I'm baffled that it flew/flies under the radar as much as it did/does. It's an Action RomCom similar to "Grosse Pointe Blank" and probably no other movie. It's maybe nothing special - not like "WFRR" or "Slevin" or "Walk Hard" - but it's just really fun. I think it's pretty easily Rockwell's best role. (I'm sure a lot of people would disagree because they're looking for a specific type of performance that really showcases deep emotions, or a good performance with a challenging role; something like "Moon", I think. But I'm just looking for the most pure distilled essence of Rockwell, his most fun, his most purely Rockwellian performance. He dances, he's weird, he's charming. I love it.) I've also thrown out "7 Days in Hell", which I can't imagine will win but man it's worth watching. Part of me thinks that I should say something about it because it definitely won't win if I play it close to the vest (maybe I could tease it to get some fellow patrons to check it out, persuade some people to join me in pushing for it?), but mostly I think it won't win no matter what so I want to be coy about it so that if by some miracle it does win, Anna will be completely blindsided by it. (A sports documentary about the most grueling tennis match in history. I know that isn't likely to spark interest, but dammit it's so good.) Also, "Stretch", a perfect vehicle for Patrick Wilson. It's the more pure Patrick Wilson role in the same way that Rockwell is perfectly Rockwell in "Mr Right". There's another big actor... sometimes (oftentimes) there are actors that Hollywood tries to force into being leading men because of their looks, but they aren't, they're character actors. Brad Pitt is an obvious one, Colin Farrell too. This (unnamed, the 2nd actor) guy is one too... I had seen him in a few things, didn't really have a strong opinion about him, but in this he was so weird and interesting, he really impressed me. The movie is probably a decade old by now (more? 15?) so it may not be a spoiler anymore to name him, it wouldn't have nearly the same impact seeing him in a weird role like this in the way it surprised me at the time, but still... I don't want to spoil it. Also, Jessica Alba, who... it's about the role you'd expect for her. She probably deserves better, but the character needs to be charming and likeable and... generous? Patient? Caring? Something like that. So... it's a role that, on paper, isn't much, but Alba is so perfectly suited to make the best of a relatively shallow role. I think I'll continue throwing those two dark horses out there, along with the 4 or so more popular/obvious movies, movies I think might win sometime soon. I'll have to figure out if there's a movie or two I want to push to replace WFRR and Slevin, or if I think pushing for less makes them more likely to win. Hm...


ALSO for the record: (easily my longest yet, I'm might just be talking to myself, but... whatever. Writing it down gets my thoughts straight in my head, at least, so not a complete waste regardless.) So... top-10. I think it's really hard to make a definitive list, for all the obvious reasons, but a big problem is comparing comedies to any other movies. Every other genre is about stories, or relationships, or characters... some combination thereof. With comedies, it's first and foremost about simply making you laugh. The other stuff is important, but not as much, and that makes it hard to judge vs a drama. Is a comedy worse than a drama if those 3 elements are all clearly worse, but it makes you laugh like no other movie does, while the drama is maybe "only" a top-5 drama in your opinion? So I'd like to split it into top-10 comedies and top-10 everything else, but maybe I'll try a top-10 and see how it goes. In no particular order: The Princess Bride Walk Hard Who Framed Roger Rabbit Lucky Number Slevin Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang The Big Lebowski Batman '89 Scott Pilgrim vs the World GI Joe: The Movie ... man. Nine. The 10th is hard. Lots to choose from, hard to pick just one when they're all pretty equally great (but none are, IMO, on the same level as those top 9 or so). Ummm... okay, let's go with Ocean's 12 For the record (again again), I'm throwing these out for two main reasons: 1 - I like to write, it helps me think. And maybe more importantly 2 - throwing them out for my fellow patrons; if anybody sees something that they're a big fan of, maybe that's the movie I put into the 6 or 7 I recommend each month, now that WFRR and Slevin have been watched. I *LOVE* Batman '89, but I don't think I'll recommend that, nor GI Joe: the Movie. Much as I love them, I'm nowhere near as confident that Anna would. I'm relatively confident she'd *like* them, but I'd bet she wouldn't love Batman near as much as I do. (I kinda don't understand why I love it so much. I'm not a huge Batman fan, I don't like Tim Burton, there's things I can nitpick about the plot or characterization, but for whatever reason I love every scene in the movie. I love so many lines - "Oh yeah. Actually, I'm not sure I've ever been in this room before". I don't know. It just hits me the right way. "YOU WANNA GET NUTS! C'MON, LET'S GET NUTS!") Although GI Joe: the Movie... I may have to push for it in the same way I push for "7 Days in Hell" or "Stretch"; they probably won't win, but IF THEY DO... GI Joe's opening fucking scene was supposed to be the climax of the movie! It's so goddamn fun, fighting on the Statue of Liberty? The theme song? Then the "real" opening, with Pythona (sp?) infiltrating Cobra's base? Every goddamn line in that movie is *perfect*: "Law and Order, we're a team, man! He finds the bombs, I drive the car; we tried it the other way: it didn't work!" "You're going home in a ditty bag. An itty, bitty, ditty bag." (Sgt Fucking Slaughter! Perfect.) "A gem of that size... answers *all* my questions." God I love that movie. (I wonder where it's available to stream.) A handful of honorable mentions, since I'm writing an essay anyway: "Men Who Stare At Goats" (This, not Star Wars, is the best Ewan McGregor as a jedi.) "Slammin' Salmon" (by the same people who did "Super Troopers". They, deservedly, lost a lot of momentum with "Club Dread". "Beerfest" was a bit of a rebound, but I think it was merely okay. "Slammin' Salmon" though? Fucking great, better than Super Troopers, IMO. Michael Clarke Duncan is incredible; RIP legend.) "Poolhall Junkies" (I don't want to overstate how good it is, but it's incredibly underrated. "Underrated" may be under-stating it; people just haven't heard of it. But I really enjoyed it. Lex Luthor in a supporting role.) "American Psycho" (what a perfect satire; it holds up. Maybe more relevant now than when it came out.) I'm a huge Fincher fan but I feel like most of his movies I would have in my 2nd tier in terms of recommending to others. They're *great* movies but they're not as fun as, say, WFRR or Slevin or Scott Pilgrim. "Se7en", obviously. "Fight Club", obviously. Perfect ending. Most of his other stuff ("Zodiac", "Social Network", "Gone Girl") I appreciate are really good, and I rewatch "Zodiac" from time to time... but I don't really think I'd be all that excited to see a reaction to them. "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"... ugh. If only he had been able to make the trilogy. The climax in "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" is one of the most satisfying in fiction. Sometimes I'll pull it off the shelf just to read that 100ish pages around that, everything leading up to that, sequence. But only the first movie? Really good but it feels incomplete to me. Tom Cruise is maybe my favorite actor (in the sense that he has the strongest resume, he's been in the most movies I really enjoy, the highest hit rate), so... not all of them are movies I'd want Anna to watch and react to (I want to be pretty picky if we're doing 1 or 2 a month), but we could probably throw out: "Edge of Tomorrow" (his best and most fun, IMO) "A Few Good Men" (top to bottom maybe the best movie he's been in? In terms of, like... great script, it's fun but there's also drama, good dialogue, good roles and performances? In terms of it hits both quadrants, critically and commercially viable. I *love* Edge of Tomorrow, but that movie isn't getting nominated for an Oscar; A Few Good Men... might have been? Certainly could've been. Which... to some degree, who cares? The Oscars are way too narrow-minded in what they like, but still... that's what I'm looking at when I say "top to bottom" best. It's got everything, is maybe most palatable to all audiences, from people looking to popcorn entertainment to people looking for a critically successful drama.) I could throw out a few more, but it's hard to figure where to stop... "Collateral" is cool as shit, all the Mission: Impossible movies are fun but none is particularly noteworthy, right? (Maybe the first?) There's a lot of good, or fun, or influential, movies on his resume, but how many "oh my god, you HAVE to see this" are there? I'd say probably just those two, right? (I'm leaving "Jerry Maguire" off... Rod Tidwell is iconic though.) How about "Troy"? I just think it's a really fun movie; I'm a big dork for medieval fantasy stuff, it's pretty firmly in my wheelhouse (on paper it's adjacent to the typical stuff I'm into - Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn/Throne of Bhaal, Dragon Age: Origins, the Night Angel trilogy by Brent Weeks, the Demon Cycle by Peter V Brett, David Gemmell (specifically the Drenai saga), that kinda stuff - but it's a pretty firm hit. Oddly, some things that are on paper firmly in my wheelhouse are misses, like the Fire and Ice/GoT books/tv shows, and Lord of the Rings)... some really great action sequences - three of some of the best sword fight/battle scenes in (at least recent) cinema history. (I'd say #1 is obviously Inigo vs the Dread Pirate Westley, but I'd have 3 scenes from Troy as 2-4. I'll do what I can to avoid talking too specifically about them, but one is perfect in setting the tone, showing what a badass Achilles is, then there's the badass battle between armies, and of course the main showdown.) I just think it's fun. I honestly like movies like "Troy" for reactions better than, say, "Social Network" even though it's hard (impossible?) to argue that "Troy" is *better*... if Anna did 2 movies a week then I'd probably push for it. But 1 or 2 per month? Unless there's numbers behind me in this - a lot of fellow patrons who share my appreciation for how good/fun "Troy" is - then I'm absolutely okay with letting that one go. Okay, 3 more: "Saved!" Juno before Juno (and, IMO, better). Probably doesn't have enough name recognition for it to get too much support on here. And I'm fine with it. Very good, but again, 1-2 movies per month raises the bar pretty high. I wouldn't argue too strongly that "Saved!" clears that, I just think it's a movie that deserves more recognition than it gets. "Zoolander" Am I overrating it? I haven't watched it in a while... I'm trying to be particularly picky about comedies (there are so many comedies that people throw out that were popular and good when they were made, and I get it, but 10-20 years out...? They just aren't as good; comedy ages pretty quickly. I think Big Lebowski, Scott Pilgrim, and Princess Bride and WFRR are exceptions, are exceptional movies. "Old School", "40 Year Old Virgin", "Dumb and Dumber", most of the Sandler and David Spade stuff... I just don't think they're good enough movies to overcome the diminishing returns as comedy ages. And "Anchorman"? Sorry, that movie is aggressively un-funny. I love Will Ferrell as much as the next guy but... I think a lot of his movies are overrated because he's in them. If I'm going Ferrell, the only truly *great* one that I can think of is "The Other Guys". Although maybe I need to rewatch "Talladega Nights". I may be underrating it. But I'd split up those actors: if we're talking best Ferrell: "The Other Guys". Best John C Reilly: "Walk Hard". Best Gary Cole: "Office Space" is the obvious choice, and it's not wrong, but pound-for-pound I'm going "Dodgeball") But I think Zoolander holds up? I recently watched a reaction to Zoolander (I said it's been a while, I meant since I watched the full movie. With the edited reaction I got the better parts, so maybe that masks it having aged in a way that I don't, yet, realize?) and there are so many good bits... maybe it's just full of good bits but not a great movie? Or at least not good enough? But just thinking about the degree to which Ben Stiller cooked in both this and Dodgeball... figured I'd throw it out there. And finally: "Memento" Not a big Nolan fan (although I recognize the talent, unlike, say... Zack Snyder. JJ Abrams. Michael Bay) but "Memento" is fucking phenomenal. Just a singular movie.


Okay, one more (quick this time) thing: a 3rd reason I type this all out: for Anna to hopefully read. Let me know if you've seen any of these movies already so I can take it off my list. And if you liked or didn't like it. I'm feeling pretty confident in my ability to pick movies you'll love, particularly this month, but if there's something on here you have seen and didn't particularly like then I might have to re-think a few suggestions.


I remember not liking this way back when. But I certainly enjoyed myself this time. I'm so glad I'll watch anything you present :)


The Rabbi didn't recognize Nick Fisher because Fisher deals with a bookie, and the bookie works for The Rabbi. So Fisher would never have dealt directly with The Rabbi. (I mean, it's Slevin, not Fisher, but you know... he wouldn't have known Fisher's face, and thus realized Slevin wasn't Fisher, because of that.) "It's like something out of a Norman Rockwell painting." "What, my penis?"


I had to dig on some reach the earths core energy to see your comment, but it eventually saw daylight.

travis szudajski

I love the hell out of this movie-one of my all time favorites. Another one you need to check out id 'Go' with Timothy Olyphant, Jay Mohr, Katie Holmes, etc. Both movies were compared to Tarantino styled movies and both are fantastic. In fact, as much as I love Slevin, I love Go more. Also related-a show you should watch is 'Justified' -starring Timothy Olyphant. Second only to Breaking Bad in the TV Drama catagorie but with even better dialogue. An absolutely glorious show. Plus it also stars Walton Goggins ;)