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I am literally still crying, that was the saddest season finale.





I always felt like they weren't sure what to do with Robert. They start out with making him this somewhat well meaning guy, who while so much older than Lana its kinda creepy, seemed alright and fairly genial. Yet, I feel like at some point they decided they wanted Lana to be single again, probably to bring her and Archer back together, so they had her start acting out and then I feel like it was an outta the blue heel turn for him to cheat, especially so blatantly. Personally I think I would have enjoyed it more if they had just ended the season with them mutually deciding to divorce, rather than there needing to be a bad guy here.


now that you're catching up to archer i hope you react to more adult animated shows like futurama and clone high

Krazy Karl

It was a nice tribute to Malory and Ron at the end. You could clearly hear H. Jon Benjamin get choked up reading her letter to them. I don't like that they made Robert a bad guy by fully cheating on Lana, but in the previous episode, I came to a realization, which Cyril put it into such clear words: Lana is turning into (I would say she already is) Archer. And as I thought about it, Lana was, as long as we've known her, already Archer. In the very first episode, when she goes to headquarters and follows Archer and Crenshaw (the "mole") outside, and sees Cyril talking to Malory on the sidewalk, her first thought isn't "what's Malory doing here," it isn't warning them that Crenshaw is a double agent, it's "why aren't you (Cyril) still in the car?" And in later episodes, although clearly dating Cyril, she keeps ignoring or denigrating him to get all fired up about Archer. And more recently, despite her flirting with the movie director, she lashes out against Veronica Deane with no provocation, then after she dumps Archer ("we're on a break!"), has the nerve to get all bent out of shape when he goes to bed with Veronica. And now with Robert. By all indications, he does love her and wants a meaningful relationship, but Lana keeps poisoning it: Won't talk about his want for a child, ungrateful at his attempts to smooth things over between her and Archer, gets angry at Robert when he calls her out on sending AJ to Sweden so she isn't in the way of her career, even though she herself voiced that exact same opinion! Sorry, Lana, you are just as terrible a human being as Archer and Malory are. You are the female Archer. Of course, I won't tell her that unless I'm wearing bulletproof shoes.


I think the biggest difference between Lana and Archer, is that Archer has accepted how he is, and given into it 100%, while Lana is still convinced that she is actually a really good person and is kind of at odds with her own selfish nature. Partially i think she is so angry at Archer, because he is kind of a mirror of everything she doesn't want to acknowledge about herself.


It was a nice scene at the end having Ron Leibman and Jessica Walters reunited. They were actually husband and wife in reality, Ron having passed away in 2018, I think. It was good to see them back together at the end.

Ian Caudillo

I cried when I first watched the ending with Malory too I wasn't expecting to.