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How did I never watch this movie before? It is amazing!!




It *is* amazing, indeed. There's a youtube channel, "Every Frame a Painting", that covers Edgar Wright (it's like an 8 min video) and he talks about how good Wright is at making comedies because it's not only funny because of jokes told verbally, but also audio cues/sound effects, and sight gags (and EFaP laments that that seems to be a lost art). I think "Hot Fuzz" *might* be a better movie than Scott Pilgrim, but Pilgrim is SO fun, with the incredible casting (that aged incredibly well) and the set pieces... pretty much everything about the fight with Superman is great - the bass battle is a personal favorite, but everything about him being a vegan - and the fight with Captain America is almost as good, with the stunt doubles gag... Evans is *so perfectly* hammy, the way he runs into the fight after Pilgrim beats the stunt doubles... what a movie. (And of course, Brie Larson is every bit as good for her hammy role as Evans is for his.) What a movie. Like I said, I had 3 or 4 of my own suggestions so of course I was cheering for them, but this was easily my choice of all the others. A fun, delightful, funny movie with a winning cast.


I said all that because I've seen the movie before, but I wanted to say that prior to watching it, then if I had anything to say about your reaction specifically, I was gonna say it here... but I haven't started the movie yet. Can you guess why?


And just to correct your grammar: it's pronounced "bass battle". You said "bass battle".


This movie is chock-full of great lines, but I'm not sure there's any I like more than "Did you see a future with this girl?" "Like... with jet packs?"


2 more final (?) things 1 - The "gum stays in your digestive tract for 7 years" thing is an urban legend. I guess you'd never heard that one? So, his comment is perpetuating the myth, that's where his line came from, but yeah, not true. 2 - I believe the graphic novel this is based on had Scott Pilgrim with Knives at the end. Some people seem to think the movie should've stayed true to the source material, some would've been bummed out if all his fighting for Ramona ended with him not getting with Ramona. Honestly, I don't have a strong opinion. Either way makes sense, both women seem great.


For some reason "there is more than one kind of tea?" always makes me laugh hard.


Hello my lovely lass, Your reactions today really made me smile. I was having internet trouble and it would freeze briefly during Scott Pilgrim from time to time and every time it froze you were grinning ear to ear. Love seeing you share the enjoyment. Thanks for enjoying a film I love so much. Great reaction. BTW: The voting isn't closed on the poll yet ;) Not that I'm complaining.


I was just teasing. Noticed and thought it funny. Don't think the voting ever needs to be more than 3 days long.


I do like to give like a week time in case anyone can't see it due to work or something but I was running late of this month 😅

Thomas Yanez

I forgot how much fun this movie is. Don't know why I waited so long to watch it again. Thanks for the reminder, Ana!


(At least) 3 actors from Arrested Development: Obviously Michael Cera, also Egg. Also, Tom Jane had a small role in each.