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How many meowmeowbeenz would you get?




Not the meowmeowbeanz episode. Lol. I'd likely pull a solid 3.


So... 1 - When talking about the GOAT Community episodes (while you were watching season 3, because season 3 has *so many* - can't recall which ep... early-ish, between 4-8?) I shouted out the MeowMeowBeans episode. I stand by it... ALTHOUGH in rewatching, I think I prefer the Ass Crack Bandit episode, and the Floor is Lava ep is right up there with MeowMeowBeans, so... it's an honorable mention, not quite in the top tier with the others. 2 - Part of the appeal, the brilliance, of MeowMeowBeans (and the Floor is Lava, and so many others of the completely bonkers Community eps) is how they lay out a premise, cut to credits, then come back and you enter this entirely new world, with a rich backstory and a new vocabulary. And one character finds this all new - the POV character - but everybody else is just immersed in this world. Like how, in the Floor is Lava, Chang references Troy and Abed having broken their neutrality agreement, and it's like... this *just* started, what? Troy references a god in passing (and Britta points it out). "Locker boys", "Chair walkers"... it's great. I love it so much. 3 - I actually really liked the first episode; you say you really felt Troy's absence, but I think you were supposed to, and the episode dealt with that in a really interesting way. And of course, explored a different pairing, not trying to re-create an old one but allowing it to be its own, new, thing. Pretty great. 4 - Was that Jen Kirkman?!?




So here's a funny thing, the MeowMeowBeanz episode aired in 2014, and the Black Mirror episode (Nosedive) that, yes, has a very similar plot, aired in 2016. Rip-off? Who knows, but it's a big coincidence.


I wouldn't say it is a rip off even if the writers of black mirror saw the episode. They are only alike in basic principal. If that counts as a rip off, any movie with time travel and killer robots would be a rip off from The Terminator. Any Movie about Dinosaurs being brought back to life would be a rip off of Jurasic Park. Its the execution that matters and both of those episode are completely different when it comes to all the details, like Plot and Character. And the idea that social media will dominate our society and determine your "value" in society is not new in Community either. There is at least one or two stories like that in book or comic book form. If they had any of the girls go into a downward spiral over trying to get to a friends wedding and then ending up in prison because her social status keeps dropping to a point she goes insane, than yes i would say black mirror was a rip off. But that isn't at all what happened here.


The Orville also has a similarly focused episode.

Thomas Yanez

The "Logan's Run" inspired visuals in S05E08 made the old sci-fi nerd in me smile, but Star-burns as "Zardoz" was pure joy.