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I am going to miss this season, so many great lines. 



Daniel M

Many don't know that the Nazis invented meth. They gave it to their soldiers in a pill call pervitin and they were all high during combat. It is crazy that they included that in the show.


Ya know I hate to be that guy, and I never noticed this the first time but I noticed one of the only kinda large historical issues in this season. I actually think they did a decent job staying on track that this is post WW1 and pre WW2 but Hitler is in power. Yet when Mallory says, "How French", in response to Ray giving up I don't think that would be a pov. I mean France up until WW1 was considered the best army in the world, and even though they, like everyone else, took a huge beating in WW1 they stuck it out and fought. I don't think many people would call France giving up as a thing, but that is more a post WW2 thing. I only really bring this up as, since this is my third watch of this season, I have been having fun looking for historical inaccuracies as something to keep myself interested and haven't noticed too much.


I knew you would like this season. Had a feeling its your stile.


It makes perfect sense if you keep in mind that this is a dream that Archer has, not a alternative reality. And in archers mind the French are known for "running away" or "retreat". You have to keep in mind that all of the details here are how Archer sees things. And Archer lives post WW2 so it fits.


This sounds exactly like something Malory would say. Remember, this is Malory we're talking about. She also talked about Ireland "not being on [the Allies] side during World War II."


I just realized that you noticed the French thing, but not that they were Talking about Tolkien Books through out the last two episodes. Like non stop. All of them were published way after WW2.


The Hobbit was published in the 1930's, not sure when but probably pre WW2


21 September 1937 And only about 1.500 Copies. Would be quite weird for all of them to be obsessed with a Children Fantasy book that didn't have the attention Tolkien has today. If you argue the french wouldn't be known for running away at this point. I would argue they wouldn't know about some random english fantasy author that just published his first novel. And they talk about it as if he is already the for father of fantasy. All of which makes sense of course because it is archers dream. Also why or how would the bird have heard about the Book? You are telling me a copy of the Hobbit from 1937 made it to this little island?


I wasn't trying to attack you or anything. Was just surprised because the Hobbit things was mentioned way more and most people wouldn't notice about the French thing at all, or know about their status in the first one or before that. So i just thought it was curious you would notice such a small thing but not that. I didn't mean to say anything about you or your character because of that. Actually shows that you know a lot about European History because otherwise you would never notice the french thing. The hobbit thing is much more common knowledge. but obviously also not something you have to know about. I too had to look up the exact date to be sure.