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Call me crazy but this feels like them again. I do not care if the arc is a bit forced, I missed them. 




Really looking forward to the rest of the show. You're awesome!


The Nicholas Cage bit is one of the funniest things I've ever seen. That was brilliant.


Ooh, you're reacting to Bojack! Hilarious at times, but often very dark and intense. Took me a little while to get properly into it, but it turns into something brilliant.


Community is definitely a feel good show, specifically in comparison to Bojack. Two of my favorite episodes are complete opposites just simply in how much Bojack says throughout them. One he talks nearly the whole episode whilst the other he barely says anything. You may be able to identify these episodes, but we won't go too much further into it for the sake of all things spoiler.


Some tiny moments within: at around the 37:00 mark, Britta gives an... interesting look. And I love Garrity's gesture at the 37:02 mark, brilliant.


Yeah, I think I've seen ONE guy say that it's all downhill after season 3, that it's not just an aberrant season 4 then a return to form... it's been a while since I watched seasons 5+, but I definitely remember them being good. I remember some standout episodes and moments. The re-pilot was fantastic, as you say. And Abed's Nic Cage impression is fantastic, one of the best moments in Community (top 100, probably. It's a great fucking show.) Both Winger's class *and* the Nic Cage class are both great plots in ep 2, IMO. (I love how Winger defeated Annie in his class, that was such a clever, well-written scene.)

David Cleveland

Bojack Horseman? Eh. Not necessarily my favorite though to be fair I only watched maybe a handful of episodes or so. From what I saw it definitely had its moments and I kinda see the potential but not quite enough to exactly rush into watching it. I'm may be more hyped at the notion of you reacting to other shows but it's still in the realm of things that are usually relevant to my interest when it comes to TV shows these days (M-rated animated comedies) so I'm certain this could very well end up being a fun ride to join you on. :)


I would bet a lot of money that if people had said nothing about any change of any kind, you wouldn't have noticed much of a difference.


I highly recommend you watch the bloopers because they are hilarious!


A handful of episodes isn't enough to really get a feel of where they are going with it. The drama of the story hooks you in after a while. I would often look forward to watching the next epissode, but would also dread what would happen next! I found it quite hard to watch at times.


Guaranteed. Season 4 feels WAY more like Community than the rest of the show does from here on out.


Sucks that you let comments influence the way you viewed Season 4 like every other reactor falls victim to. You were clearly enjoying it for like 6-8 episodes until you started to force yourself to look for differences that people kept shoving down your throat. Unfortunately the rest of the series is just bad with only a couple memorable one liners, some really boring new characters, extremely important characters leaving, and Abed constantly telling us how meta everything is every 10 seconds thus ruining the entire point.


The rest of the series is just bad with only a couple memorable one liners, very bad episode pacing (especially s6 half hour episodes), some really boring new characters, extremely important characters leaving, and Abed constantly telling us how meta everything is every 10 seconds thus ruining the entire point. It's absolutely in no way a return to form whatsoever. Season 4 feels WAY more like Community than anything left from here on out. Having seen the entire series through a few times and once in the past year I genuinely believe the show falls off a cliff for s5 and 6. It's not like I want to feel that way, it's one of my favorite shows of all time, but that's how it makes me feel.


Seasons 5 and especially 6 get worse -raps than they deserve from those that worship the status quo. Cast changes definitely effect things but it was vastly preferable to the show ending at season 3. And watching these two episodes with you was a treat. Bojack will have the benefit (just like Archer) that I haven't seen all the episodes and never got around to filling in the gaps. I'll be curious to see your reaction.

Clara V.

And yet that's exactly what you're doing right now with seasons 5 and 6...


You've clearly got strong opinions about it, fair enough. I really enjoyed rewatching the first two episodes for the reaction. I'm sure I can detect a greater level of Dan Harmon-esque 'sharpness' in the first two eps of S5 than there was in S4. I mean, I really didn't mind S4 though. I found the Inspector Spacetime convention to be good fun, for example. But I did enjoy S5 poking fun at the season! I also have good memories of watching seasons 5 and 6 the first time. I'm really looking forward to watching Ana react to some of the bits of season 6 that stick in my mind!


Season 5 and 6 are better than season 1 in my opinion. You just have to get over the fact that they replace some of the characters. Imo, none of the new actors is a dud, they all come across very funny and likeable (well likeable might a stretch for Frankie, but funny nontheless) As for Nick Cage, don't torture yourself trying to watch his movies to see what makes him so odd: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A23TuxKex_w


Loved Jonathan Banks since Breaking Bad. Crazy good tv.