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Aaaand we have a winner!!! Actually, we have more than one winner...

Let's change it up a little! A new dinamic for picking shows season per season, what do you think?





I lean towards supporting season-by-season. I would definitely much prefer it for shows that are much more about its episode-to-episode payoff than any season or series long narrative. (30 Rock is a great example. I'd kinda put Parks and Rec in that same boat, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt... even though it's not a binary, there's gray area there.) Although for Parks and Rec it'd be funny to watch only the first season then put it aside for several months, given how it didn't really get good until season 2. I didn't want it to win over even a similar type of show (I'd've gone for BNN), but I want to be fair: the writers very clearly figured something out between seasons 1 and 2 and the show changed (improved) in a pretty big way in season 2 and beyond. Also: season-by-season would work wonderfully, IMO, for: Westworld, The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Heroes... ie I think the first seasons of those shows are good but you don't really need to keep watching past that.

Topher 😃

This might be my dumbest suggestion:) but seeing as it was a tie and it's a 1/2 hour show of which you do 2 episodes per week why don't you do one of each each week?


Is not dumb at all, is just not enough content for YT since I also upload an edited version there

Daniel M.

My honest opinion on going season by season is that I don't know how to feel. I think there's an upside to the variety that will come with that format. But I also think there's some benefits to the consistency of knowing, for instance, that every week there will be 2 Always Sunny Episodes, and that there isn't going to be a month or two or three without any. For your sake, not mine, my one concern is that people searching out a reaction to their favorite show might be more apt to stick with you, or subscribe to your patreon, if they know youre going to stick with that show, and the season by season polls, makes that a little less clear. But as I see it, I'm not the one who is recording and editing, and putting the videos out there for the world to see. I'm the one ploppig my laptop up on the kitchen counter and cooking dinner, while watching a reaction video. So I'm along for the ride, and I'm sure you'll have plenty of other people far more vocal than me about whether this was the greatest decision ever made, or the worst decision in the history of the world. (I'm pretty sure it will be neither.)

Daniel M

Agreed. Variety is good, especially if some shows take years to get through all their seasons. However there is a concern about patrons voting away from a show and never coming back to finish it. On one hand it would suck to have incomplete reactions to a show, but on the other perhaps that means the makeup of the patrons have changed and they are no longer interested in that show. For instance, lets say we voted for a show that has 20 seasons. A few seasons in there is a lot of turnover in patrons and the majority no longer are interested in that show, however Ana is locked in to reacting to all 20 seasons. With voting by seasons that could be changed to match what the patrons want. I think both formats have their problems so I am honestly not sure which is best.


I do worry that you're going to get more shows that you just don't get finished now. I don't think there's much point in watching Bojack or The Good Place, for example, if you don't watch the whole thing.


any show with more than 3-4 seasons will struggle. anything with more than 10 seasons is never gonna get through. People just don't have patience and the longer a show goes on the more people you have that keep telling you "Its not as good before, or not worth watching." I am 100% convinced we would never have finished Community if it was up for a vote.