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You can geel a great story forming in this one...





So it's 2 seasons; I believe the 1st season is 13 episodes while the 2nd is 20 or so. It got cancelled too early so it didn't have the time to wrap up its story completely. But I guess they at least knew the 2nd season would be the final season... maybe by the halfway mark of the season? So they ended it... it's not exactly a satisfying conclusion, but it *was* a conclusion, not just an open-ended finale, so there's that, at least. The big, main threads are wrapped up... but you can tell they wanted more time, that they had more story to tell. I think season 2 is much better cover-to-cover than season 1, but yeah, I think this is when season 1 starts to really take off. This episode, then the next 3, is certainly the highpoint of season 1. Ep 8 is definitely my favorite, but 6 and 7 are at least as good as 5 was, so I'm really looking forward to this stretch. I intend to continue hitting "Life" on a month-by-month basis... I may mix it up on occasion but I intend to mostly stick to it. I intend to check in with you after episode 8 to see how you feel about it, and again at the end of season 1; if you're not particularly excited to continue, then I have other shows I could pivot to. Also: (semi-related) you reacted to the pilot of Farscape. That's one of my favorite shows of all-time, it's definitely top-10... that starts IMO in a pretty similar fashion, in that the first several episodes are good-to-very good, but it doesn't really get great until pretty late in season 1. (I'd say ep5 starts to show glimpses of its potential, then around ep15 is when it really starts to find its stride.) It lasted 4 seasons though, 22 episodes per season, plus a 2-part movie, so it's a time investment, for sure. But last I saw, Parks and Rec was winning the poll; if people are going to vote for that and not feel bad about having to slog through the painfully mediocre 1st season, then I'm certainly not going to feel bad about pushing for Farscape. But with the time investment that it is, I don't think I'll be pushing for it on a month-by-month basis, just whenever a weekly slot opens. You seem to be enjoying Firefly; I think Farscape is significantly better - I like the characters more, the weirdness of it, its ability to be flexible episode-to-episode... you may not end up agreeing that Farscape is better, but I'd be shocked if you didn't enjoy Farscape at least to a similar degree as Firefly. Week-by-week though... I'm just talking out loud, I hope and expect that we'll finish out "Life", so it'll be a while before I need to think about a new show... Veronica Mars season 1-3 then the movie is a possibility, it's much less of a time investment than Farscape, but even that is something like 40 episodes then the movie. If you're willing to return to Party Down, that's probably my favorite option after Life for a month-by-month thing... although "Limitless" is tempting too. I don't think it's great, but it's good-to-very-good and it's pretty consistently fun. And I love Debra.


For the record: top-10, in no particular order Life; Keen Eddie; Psych; Farscape; Community; Arrested Development; Veronica Mars; Party Down hmm... my top tier might just be those 8. Maybe Sense8 and... The Good Guys? Or Batman: The Animated Series? Maybe Dexter (all 5 seasons). Oh, it's Misfits. Definitely. Somebody else requested Legion, I know you reacted to the pilot of that. I don't think I'll be requesting that anytime soon but I definitely hope you'll return to it sooner than later (that whomever requested it hits it again). That was a very good, interesting show. Several underrated gems: Reaper; Newsradio; Supernatural (first 5 seasons); Eureka; Alphas; Heroes (season 1); Kyle XY; Jericho; Life on Mars; Space: Above and Beyond; Eli Stone; Sarah Connor Chronicles; Black Donnellys; Andy Barker, PI; X-Men: The Animated Series Let me know which you've seen. As far as I'm aware: Obviously you've seen: Community, Arrested Development You told me you've seen: Sense8, Misfits (that's Misfits, the British show where the juvenile delinquents get super-powers? With Nathan, who was in The Umbrella Academy? And the villain from Game of Thrones was in it as the weird guy who looked like a panty-sniffer? THAT Misfits?) And you've seen the pilots of: Psych, Farscape, Veronica Mars, Party Down, Limitless, Legion, and we're working on Life.

Topher 😃

I did Legion. While I dearly love the show, it will be sometime before I get round to it again.I have a few more pilots I want to do and then finish off the first season of the magicians . From there I'm not quite sure