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Haha that's the best he was ever told in universe 354-B

SCP 3887B

Glad to see you're back! Hope you're feeling ok, I know you were sick for a while.

s r

Glad you're okay.


No way we can download WBH on iPhone?


You need to download winrar


and then you need to run the exe file through winrar...works for me


is anyone else unable to open R&M v3_8 on Mac? I've tried everything and all links and it either says application can't be opened or that the application is damaged.


Hey bud, just wondering when we’re getting that writeup update. I’m sure you’re busy, but when you get the chance!


I can't open it


Never mind I figured it out




Hope to god the next patch is about jessica, tricia and maybe even Jaqueline, or unity, or gazorpazorpians, so bored of the same beth and summer patches

Ms. Black Fire

she looks good in that outfit nice😉💕


20 days ago you said "I'll make a more detailed update about the game and current events later today, along with posting the LINUX version and some more links."


wanna fuck beth in hard doggy position next time (just like sex robot scene)


So bored of beth dude. need some jessica and tricia for a change maybe even jaquiline


or we can have triple treat with beth, jessica and tricia


Can anyone help me download? When I try it says “data folder not found” “there should be RickAndMortyData folder next to the executable”. Thanks.


dude went into silent mode again.


Can someone help me open the file on Mac, I'm able to download it fine but when opening it says that the file is damaged


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZ6GaNCD1O4 that would make a good scene


Beth is so fucking boring dude. Bring in new better characters like jaquline


when morty pulled his boling ball out, its ambiguoes(pulling his dick out). He could for example pull out a alien sextoy instead, but he doesnt know it, thats why beth and summer look shocked at the beginning and realase he has no clue or something. I think the episode has some Potential in general, like instead night workers night ho*. Where the grils nightly urges come to life, morty isnt affected, rick jerry doing other stuff.


can you please make a google drive or mega folder of all the artwork or photo gallery that you have scrolling on patreon is kinda annoying great work btw ive been following for quite sometime now

Mikkel frost møller

something tells me that the scene on the pic isnt in your game


This usually works. Open up a Terminal window. Go to the directory holding the download. Enter the following commands: > xattr -cr RM* > chmod -R 777 RM* You may need to only do one of the above but doing both seems to resolve the issue every time (for me).


Any updates or did you die again


holy shit can u post bro at least a message on your situation? You've done this twice now... I'm just concerned with this lack of communication you're giving. It makes no sense that you don't want to tell us anything.


Don't really understand why people are getting mad. Nice game, dude. I appreciate the hard work


People are mad because he is continually late and always flakes on updates that he promises he will do. just look at his post before this one he says "I'll make a more detailed update about the game and current events later today, along with posting the LINUX version and some more links." He still hasn't done any of that.

Lilw Blevins

Lack of communication as per usual. Pretty shitty way to run things.


BRO give an update so we don't have to check everyday jeez don't you care about your supporters


Two steps seem to work quite consistently (for me): In a terminal window change to the directory of the file and first do a 'matter -cr {filename}' followed by a 'chmod -R 777 {filename}'


feel like he only updates when the money runs low


Addiction is a bitch yall need to chill


Could you give us an update on how you're doing? Its been 2 months.


And you need to piss off. Two months with no communication is a perfectly valid reason to ask for updates.


I mean at only 5 bucks a month I’m good waiting I would might have upgraded higher tier but you tend to stay quiet for some time seems you’ve done this a few times…but I do love the game. Just wish you where more transparent or updated more maybe polls funny clips or funny shit you drawed but didn’t like… but if your busy with issues like family ,health, shit anything that is giving you a hard time just hope your good and doing well… much love from Texas


its been about 3 months, expecting an update here soon


All he has to do is post an announcement explaining his situation and everything would be fine.. Ferdafs chooses not to. Why? I have no fucking clue.. 🤦‍♂️


cmon ferdafs my birthday is on july 27th u better post

Mikkel frost møller

i almost cant wait to see who get to fuck next and hoping that there be a threesome between Tricia, Morty and Morticia

Ramsey Price

Forced sex on Summer. She must not want it. She must cry. This is the way.

Ramsey Price

It's a cartoon. Forced sex is the least offensive thing for which I could ask. A dungeon with sexual torture and humiliation would be better. I doubt Ferdafs has the skill or the will to execute that properly.


Threesome with clone Beth, Beth and Morty :D


Since you have not posed in a little while, I was wondering how the progress on this has been going on your part. I know you mentioned a little while back that you will need to be pulling away from the project for a little bit for personal reasons, but it has been over 2 months since this post here and I do not currently see any new information on the matter. A little statis update would be greatly appreciated as because I am gravely invested in this project you have been working on for a while now.

Arthur Cockburn

Oh boy I bet this super long gap in between updates surely means we have a real big patch coming :))! He's been so busy working on it he can't even spare 5 minutes to update his patrons!!

Ramsey Price

I want to see Two Beth's One Cup.

Ramsey Price

That was a joke. 😂 Getting punchy waiting to see if Ferdafs is dead.

Ramsey Price

I've resorted to fucking my wife, Ferdafs. I blame you.


Ferdafs, have you thought about adding voice audio from voice AI?

Mikkel frost møller

sorry to ask but when will the next update come out


When are you going to release the new update? It is very delayed, the project loses interest completely if there is no downloadable game update.

Ramsey Price

I concur with a previous comment regarding AI voiceovers. I'd pay more just for that feature. That would be a whole new level of twisted.


You still alive dude?


Who knows


Dude.... you're going to start an ethical debate about which is worse: incest or rape. Don't take us down that path, please 🙏


Why this ain’t on apple phones dawg


hey man, its been a few months. Starting to get worried man. Please let us know... are you alive?


It’s because iOS is way more restrictive. It doesn’t allow any apps outside of the App Store and they don’t allow adult content on the App Store

D beug

It's been like this for a year and a half, he'll pop up randomly with an update probably this month maybe next. Wouldn't expect any comms before then at all.

Ramsey Price

I'll never understand the hold Apple has on its phone lovers. It may as well be sold by China or Russia. You are beholden to Apple and ONLY Apple.

Ramsey Price

It's the 1st of the month and the subscriptions have been paid. You will now get an update about how he is almost done with the next patch. On September 1st, you'll finally get a new patch and it will be the same tired formula. Silly me, I forgot to cancel before today, so now I wait in purgatory once again. The best thing we can all do is cancel and rejoin when he finally resurfaces. I've been here for longer than I can remember. Years, I am almost certain. A couple of years ago, updates were every 60 days. Then 90, and more recently unknown. One thing that is certain: You will get you next patch or just an update within days of the subscription being paid. After this next patch, I'm out. Then I'll check back in December and pay $5 to get the next one.


There's a $1 teir option now.. You can still download the updates with it. I switched 6 months ago from 5 to 1.




im cancelling mine as well. I dont mind supporting but its been months and they just dont update. You can see posts with no sub so you can tell if a new update comes out. I will be back then


Soooo is this over?

Mikkel frost møller

something about the way this guy operates reminds me of GZones mo since neither really give any atleast as far as i know real update about how far he is with the next update if one is comming


He used to… we’d get an update every month and at least an update part way through the last few though nothing




bro waiting for next season coming out, he need material. :D

Umbrella Corp

guys jusy use LwedZone.com for this game the person uploads the games as soon as the dev does and its free. Dude doesn't post enough to give him out money dude prob made thousands for not posting anything for months this year. love this game but no info or updates nothing. not worth the 60 bucks a year for no content.


Guys you know as much I am disappointed in Ferdafs I think this update will be worth the wait.. If it isn't I'm just unsubbing and you should too.

Mikkel frost møller

i wonder if the scene in this pic is gonna show up in the game


Just cancel the thing and check in once in a while to see if he has posted an update


Holy shit when will this guy post again. I'm tired of waiting. I check like every week and still no update. You know what? I'm going to check back in a month, forget it.


Thanks for the content, sorry you went out when you did, it was a great run though and I hope you revisit this game in the future some day. Thanks again Ferdafs, and good luck to whatever your next projects are.


Well it was a fun ride. Rip

Ramsey Price

Cut and paste that knowledge man. I just switched to $1, but I'll cancel altogether if he is done.


Yea sorry guys, heard it on a pod cast, some dev creators were talking about his work and said he was done. I'll see if I can link it tomorrow.


Ferdy, come on man. Give us something!


we should not support this bullshit. even if the next update comes out tomorrow and has a ton of amazing content. Creators that treat their audience like this should NOT be supported. its fucking bullshit and we should let ferd know that with our wallets. its not funny. its not cute. its not clever. its stupid and anti-consumer. You are shooting yourself in the foot ferd. not only are you wasting this massive opportunity in front of you, you are actively fucking it up every single day by ghosting us. shake my fucking head dude. frfr.


I agree, it's just plain-out retarded. Hopefully he didn't die.

Mikkel frost møller

the least you can do in kinda situation is let people know that you are not gonna be making any more of the game but i would also like to know why you/he is stopping with this game and if he is gonna make another one

Mikkel frost møller

please do and why did he not tell us i mean come on that is the least he can do and also why the hell is he stopping without even giving us any kind of ending

Ramsey Price

Very strange situation. My suggestion would be everyone cancel and check back in a month or two. I'm willing to pay a $1 to monitor a bit longer, but it sure seems like this ride is over. Switched to $1. We'll see. Honestly, the last few updates felt like his heart wasn't in it to me. It became a job and one he no longer seems to want. That said, an announcement should have been made. At this point, it is fraud.


Need a little help with the game. I just started playing it on PC. But it takes up my entire screen. Is there anyway to play it in a smaller window?


atleast just make some animated art or something, i gotta see some summer action in gwendolyn clothes q.q pwease? :3


The F key toggles it between full screen and windowed


Please sir can I have some more?!? 😢

Mikkel frost møller

where is the guy saying he had a link to a podcast where the devs said ferdafs is gonna quit making this game


My google-fu has absolutely failed me. Peeped through Ferdafs’ social media friends and can’t find a podcast associated with them in any way. It’s a needle in a haystack but not an obvious find at least.

Mikkel frost møller

when i read the post about the podcast i also looked but could not find it but if he gonna quit making the game then he really should tell us

Mikkel frost møller

and in some ways this kinda remind me of GZone not making any progress reports on his patreon account

Robo Lorinc

im canceling my payment, no annoucement, nothing

Ramsey Price

I am shaving my head, and my balls, waxing my back, and bleaching my anus! Until we hear something from Ferdafs, I will keep doing it! That's a lie. I did it already. Ferdafs has nothing to do with it.


When I joined you couldn't even have sex with anyone in the game 😂 I've been here that long. But I gotta say ferdafs the lack of updates seems a little cruel. If your planning to leave a lot of supporters paying for something that won't exist then that's pretty messed up. I love your content bud I hope you don't throw away what you have. I'll stay subbed for another month but after that im gonna have to call it quits.

s r

If he actually has quit the game that's very disappointing. I expected the worst considering the recent surgery, maybe gone or not well or at best recovering, if he's actually quit for other reasons it's a huge disservice to his fans and he'll lose a lot more than he would if he just came out and said something. At this point my subscription is over at the end of this payment cycle, I'll come back if there's a big update but I doubt it at this point.


Hey Ferdafs, thanks for everything dude. I appreciate your work on your R&M project. Whatever you're going through man, I hope it subsides and you come to revisit Patreon to finish the game. If working on the game exacerbates your health, don't do it. I've cancelled my subscription today, but I would be gladly happy to renew if an update comes, with added transparency and more communication. Again, Thank you Ferdafs and I hope you are happy.

Ramsey Price

Some of you people are pathetic. A product was sold to people who wanted to consume it. The product was good, sometimes great, but inconsistently delivered. If you were buying something from a retail store and every time you went they didn't have what you went there for, you would complain. When asking for the manager, if you were told he is on vacation, once, you'd come back. If every time you went to the store the manager was nowhere to be found and nobody could tell you where he is AND they still didn't have the product you wanted...you would never go back. The store would go out of business and that is how it should be. Now, if the manager happened to show up once in a while and whined incessantly about how hard it is to work at the store, and how hard it is to get the product you want, and how he was going to place an order last week but he got sick, you would give home a small pass. If every time you checked back he whined and moaned and said he can't order the product because he is always sick or someone in the family needed him or ....yeah, you would STOP going there. This isn't a rant. It's a long analogy. Some of you act as though this product was made by plucking away at his own flesh to build it and there is only so much flesh left to give. You have martyred him when what has really happened is he left the store and didn't leave a note if he'll ever return with your favorite product. Find something new to jerk off to. I promise you, life will go on.

Jody Cohee

So I am not sure if anyone else has seen it, but when you first log in there is a "news" update that says they are working on end game material. They've closed off comments. Not sure if I've just never noticed it before, but if it is new then they are working on one final patch...I assume.


I think this is the post being talked about from the blog? "I’ve updated some of the models and I’m planning on doing a model revamp very soon one we’re closer to endgame. Also I'm currently working on improving the quest guide system in the game. " It doesn't sound like an ending is being worked on, just plans for model changes when he is closer to the ending. Post doesn't have a date on it, but inspecting the page and looking at the metadata shows that it was last edited: "dateModified": "2019-09-03T09:38:00-07:00" Sadly doesn't seem to be recent. Here is hoping we get something new next month but hope slowly dwindling away.


Dang, If he doesnt post anything past the 4-5 months mark from the 3.8v post then ig its official he quit...

Michael H

Can we have a few updates just to know you are alive and working on your projects please!


I'm giving it 1 more month before i quit


For the one who said that in blogger he made a post abt final patch in news. Did he delete his blog because it says that his name is available for register


Was curious and did some digging myself, looks like the link was wrong earlier, the blog is actually https://ferdafsgames.blogspot.com/p/blog.html and its still up, I think they are talking about this page with the working on endgame comment.


I saw this coming and was calling out the demented "More beth scenes" twerps when voting was happening. Now the game and story will go unfinished, morty has never wrecked his #1 desired Jessica, and we're left instead with Horse-fucking-Beth porn of all things. The entire sexual character arc is centered on Jessica and we missed the window, for 20 beth scenes and only 4 with jessica which have hardly any animation of her! TWERPS


I wonder is anyone still here I just canceled I have until the month ends

Robo Lorinc

canceled,if nothing happens till end of the month, than this game is surely abandoned


cancelled. not letting bro steal any more money from me.

D beug

Cancelled, hopefully returns.

D beug

aint reading all that sorry that happened or congratulations 👍


i was shipping morty and tricia after they got married and drunk fucked each other while jessica is constantly in a on off relationship with what his face while tricia is a freak and down to clown


Figuratively, fuck Jessica. She happily burns the coal. I hope to see her burdened with a nigger baby.

Ramsey Price

Canceled. Fuck Joe Biden.


Canceled, No updates, no news, nothing, this is turning into a scam artist's patreon. Should get flagged

Mikkel frost møller

why hasent he made any kinda of statement i mean come on isnt that the least he could do for us


so what is that, 4 months? Not entirely pulling a Friday Night Funkin' but drifting dangerously close I would say. If you are done, say it instead of passively disappearing while conveniently continuing to charge people, OR if you AREN'T done... an update of some kind ANY kind would be much appreciated

chris hernandez

everyone so mad is this guy even alive ? I know he was sick and made delays. but why is no one considering this dude is real fucked or even dead kinda seems that way.


Mostly because he never updates, even when he was healthy


wow bud, got some backwoods, moon shinin', deep seeded jealous racisim brewing up there don't ya there? it's a cartoon man, get some therapy.


well, when there's already 19 episodes of him fucking his mother.... what do you expect the plots to devolve into? the logical direction is horse porn, or some further deranged shit, but no.. nooooo, these sister mother brother fuckers didn't see that coming with their votes. couldn't just vote for the barely used cliche route could ya? now you have a climax of horse porn.


Not giving this another month. Im cancelling now and suggest you do the same


cancel your sub and report the creator.


I am thinking the creator is no longer with us. This is very unusual for them. They were proud of their work. If they had noone else to update this site we would never know if they had passed.

D beug

Ferdafs has a long history of not communicating. He ain't dead

Mikkel frost møller

All i can say on this point is that leroy2012 is almost available for some chatting on at least discord


Don't make me worry. I suppose Ferdafs is just enjoying a vacation in Saint-Tropez

j b

I jus canceled my membership as of October 1st coming up . . . tired of paying for nothing


I'll come back when it's revived. Hope all is well!

Mikkel frost møller

i have also canceled my membership since we have been told nothing at all but might return if some new content to this games comes


Damn bro I was hoping for some kind of update and I was gonna do a year of premium sub but now I’m just gotta cancel


I'm going to have to end my subscription as well loved this game but can't keep putting money in when there isn't any updates or anything.


In settings of game you can change from full-screen to smaller


This, the patreon of an incest themed rick and morty parody game, is a weird place to talk about mental health, so I won't, but you should.


I'm guessing that ferdafs is actually Justin Roiland, and he finally had too much bad shit going on to deal with this little hobby


So we're at 4+ months since the last post from Ferdafs. I think this might be the end of this game and this Patreon


Question for veteran members: what was Ferdafs' biggest absence in your entire Patreon history? I'm asking this because it's been 4 months since his last appearance, so it would be convenient to compare the size of this absence with the size of his longest absence to see if there's still a chance that the game and this profile aren't dead.


It's hard to say. I might remember like a three month gap between releases, but they would update info at times. Lately they have been dealing with health issues and possibly other rl problems.

Fabulous Aura

Hope you come back eventually man. Cancelling my membership for the time being.


idk what to trust and belive, some sources say he's from japan other say bulgarian. starting to think its completly left,and is just milking money from now on


It is usually between 1-3 month breaks. And he also did announcements about how The progress or why it takes so long


idk if its legit but on rule** theres new content that seems real uploaded by user ferdafs no other info tho


Just checked, last set of images are from the last patch. Nothing new since may


Really hope everything is okay with the creator, but its been a hot minute since we had proof of life. I'll pray for ya to return in good health.


There are two updates that didn't make the mind blowers. Go to summer for one and go to Beth for one. The last patch is the summer one


"A tale of 2 summers" was the last patch. As Billy said, you have to get that from summer, not mindblowers


The Beth story was from the patch before the latest. "Anything you want" featured 2nd Beth in the story but not in a "scene". Talk to Beth to start this one


OK fellow perverts, sadly it's been 5 months now since we've had any news. This will be my last month for now. I'll join back up in may and see if anything has changed. Good luck to you all


It has been too long. I wish for this game to continue in the future, I really enjoyed my time with it. The story and art are phenomenal. But I cannot be a supporter for it when there is no updates. November will be my last month. I hope you come back to this and continue.


it's been 7 months now. gonna have to clock out


Is this Game still moving forward? Best game on the net.


No hes been inactive for 7 months like sure its only 1$ a month but 12$ a year for literally no reason is not worth @DB The Wolf its honestly sad because as a man of culture this was actually getting good my theory is hes either in jail and or dead most of these artist dont just stop for no reason


"Team Dead Deer" is very good and has a very high quality game called "Price for Freedom" There on Patreon and SubscribeStar


Night mirror is finishing the game, not as good animations but it has all working mind blowers, closure, and a slightly new U/I. You can find it on F95. Your welcome.


Hahahahaha, nice one


What happened to the updates ? it's been more then half a year


Well, me thinks this patreon be dead, a shame, farewell then!

Brandon Chaney

Still waiting for an update

Chase C

FYI: Ferdaphs has a reddit award on their account from r/place 2023, which occurred July 20th, 2023. So i believe they’re okay, they’ve just abandoned the project as a whole.


F95 is a website and yes, I play it on android

The Dutchman

Yeah I found it and I'm downloading it now to see what it's like. Thanks for answering.


Np, he's doing two or three more updates on it too, he posts around the beginning of the monthish


Well, that's barely more than a month from the last update here... A july breadcrumb means nothing with ferdafs' typical 2-3 month ghosting between updates, when he was on task. He could have left the planet in August

Your Nan

So sick of your shit ferdafs if your not gonna post on here just take the whole thing down bro

Ramsey Price

Just paid a buck to see if this fuck is alive. At least I learned F95 is carrying its replacement. Worth a buck.
