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R&M v3_8 Release:

-PC- (Please use 7zip or Winrar to extract for best results)

Drive(Installer)  -- Drive (RAR)  -- Drive(RAR)alt --  MegaNZ(RAR)  - MegaNZ(Alt)

-MAC- (Please use BetterZip to extract for best results)

Drive(ZIP) -- Drive(ZIP)alt -- MegaNz(ZIP)  -- MegaNZ(Alt)


Drive(APK)  -- MegaNZ(APK)  Drive (APK) Alt 




Hey, everyone!

I'm posting patch v3_8 for PC, MAC and android. I'll make a more detailed update about the game and current events later today, along with posting the LINUX version and some more links.

You start the new events by talking to Summer and starting the quest " A tale of two Summers" .

Hope you enjoy!



wonder how long itll be til the next update


Usual cadence is 2 months, then apology, then one more month so probably August


Where is the linux link?


every time I download it and try to open the game it says it cannot be opened, any tips?

Blake McKenzie

When is the new update being released?


Any idea when the Potion 2 segment will be completed? Seems to hang (or die) in the middle using the Windoz version on my machine. Haven't tried any others.


Sooooo, how goes the writing? Any hints as to what's going to happen in the next update?


Anyone else's game freezing when reaching the scene with Summer, Morty, and Morticia when they try to stop him after drinking the confidence potion? Once it hits a certain point the game freezes


Yes, confidence potion - new personality - freezes


wish i could just get it through steam


Doesn’t work on Mac for me


Honestly Ive just started playing the game on my PC. But is there a way to paly the game in a smaller window so it doesn't take up the whole screen?


Been a long time supporter. Was hoping to check in months later and find a ton more content. Well here I am and disappointed. No hard feelings. But if you have no plans on returning at least do the decent thing and shut down this Patreon.


Having trouble with the download

Umbrella Corp

im not paying monthly for a dead game, ill goto lewdzone and get it for free when he updates it, yall should do the same