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Hey guys, another update on how everything is going:

I have done a couple of tests on the new method for lowering the game size, so far it looks like it is working out perfectly. When I am done, my hope is that the game will be one-third or at least half the size it is now.

Personally, I think that would be amazing for the future of the game as I will not have to worry about the type or amount of content I can add in future patches.

I have also a bit of good news for the mac users. I somehow managed to run a VM on my pc that allowed me to build a version of the game on a mac. It was quite a bit of a struggle, especially for someone who has never used a mac before. And I’m not going to lie, it’s a very roundabout method of building the game. Typically, it might take me up to 6 hours just so that I can copy 150 GB worth of files into the VM and build it. However, if this really works out as I hope it will, macOS users in the future should not have any kind of issues when installing the game on their systems. This is all still in theory but I have my fingers crossed.

There are still incredibly a lot of CG’s I have to change from previous patches, I don’t know how many are left but when I started I believe they were about 12000 of them…

So in order to make the patch come out as fast as possible, once I am done with the route I am currently working on, I will release the patch! My estimate is that I will be done in a week from now.

The patch will contain 1 Beth route, 1 Morticia route and 1 Tricia route.

The 3 routes contain 5 events which are very long. I’ll activate the skip button for those who just like to skip to the juicy parts.

Originally, I had started with Summer’s core route but halfway through the script, I was way more inspired to work on Morticia’s route instead. I’ll very likely get back on Summer right after I post this patch.

There is really a lot of Beth in this patch and I’m very excited for your guys to play through what I’ve been working on. Tons of new models and characters. One of my favorite places I’ve created so far in their universe but I’ll let you guys see it when the patch comes out.

I’d like to thank you all again for your patience. I know this time around it’s been taking me way longer than normal, but I’ve had to make some core changes to the game which I had not expected when I first started this project. There are things I wished I had done differently when I started, but I’m still learning.

Thank you all for your support, stay awesome!



Cory Frasco

Appreciate you! Keep up the great work! 👍


Keep it up you're doing great

Fabulous Aura

Good shit man. Don't over exert yourself though. <3


Thanks man for the update, we all rlly appreciate it. And, as some of the others patrons said, in the future if u need help, some of us may be able to help u out :p (obviously is up to u).

Jake Sebastian

Appreciate it, thanks for doing this for us

jordan deffenbaugh

Fuck yeah man! Your doing great the true following has your back with the people that can't show a little bit of patience. So don't fret. We gotchu


I see youre familiar with nightmirror's tastes...


Hey man it sucks that it's taking a bit longer for patches, but it's all worth it and I'm glad you are keeping us up to date about the progress. You've done more than enough, compared to other AAA game development studios


Awesome! More Beth is always a good thing.

jack sims

thanks a lot!


Instead of copying files between the PC and VM why not get a NAS allowing shared access ? Synology pretty much makes it plug-and-play. [of course, don't attempt this until *after* you get the next release out]


That’s a good idea, he could share a folder between the pc and the vm, the thing is idk if Mac OS would like that


Sad about Summer but I get it. When you're jamming on an idea you've got to hit it while the creative juice are flowing.


Do your thing F, I've got trust in ya 💪🏾. Also, don't forget to rest up and stay in good health (just in case you forget).

D beug

Look forward to it!


a week, eh? we'll see

Michael H

He's alive




Does the android version even work ?

jack sims

2 more day!


Tomorrow yeh ?