Tricia delayed: (Patreon)
Tricia delayed:
Hey guys, just wanted to update you all thatTricia's part is going to be delayed for a bit longer. The last couple of days I've been obsessively trying to fix the mac build issues. I even got a few of my friends to lend me their mac laptops in order to test out a way to make the build work without popping up errors. The only way I got the games running was using the tricks I've mentioned before in my FAQ files. (BetterZip, terminal commands unlocking permissions etc...)
Yesterday I finally got in contact with Unity and sadly even they confirmed that the issues are not fixable on the version of Unity I'm running. I've been informed that my best bet is going to be the LTS release coming sometime during summer 2022. So, I'll have to put the quest for fixing the issue on hold until then.
I'm am very disappointed I wasn't able to find a way to fix the problem but hopefully, once the LTS version comes out it won't be an issue anymore.
I apologize for the delay, I'll make another post once I'm close to releasing her event with the mindblowers.