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Please make sure you delete the previous version of the game before extracting/installing the new one.

-PC- (Please use 7zip to extract for best results)

Drive(7z)  --  Drive(RAR) --WU(7z) -- PixelDrain(7z) -- Anonymous(7z) -- MEGAnz(7z) --

Drive(Installer)   --  MegaNZ(Installer) -- WU(Installer)- MEGAnz{7z} Alt 

Anonfiles(Installer Part 1) - Anonfiles(Installer Part2) - Anonfiles(installer Part 3) (You need all 3 parts for this one, but don't worry only 1 of the files is actually big.)

-MAC- (Please use BetterZip to extract for best results)

Drive(ZIP) -- DriveALT(ZIP) -- Anonymous(ZIP)  -- PixelDrain(ZIP) -- MegaNZ(ZIP)  


Drive(APK) -- MEGAnz(APK)  -- Anonymous(APK) -- Android(Pixeldrain) - MEGanz 



Quick walkthrough:

1. Talk to Morticia (Family night)

2.  Go to bed early NIGHT time.

Hey everyone!

Patch v3_4 is partially here!

The patch is focused around Morticia so I released her part for now, and by the end of the week I'll release the Tricia route and Mindblowers.

Both these routes are very long so I've enabled the skip button (ESC) for those of you who don't like reading. I'm very likely to cut these routes in multiple parts I'll decide how a bit later.



Currently building MAC


Apk? For android


Ok. No rush


Can't wait for the Android release! Been wanting more of Mortricia!


Best patch in awhile


Has anybody managed to get the Mac version to work ? The file is apparently damaged on my side


Will there be Jessica scenes (as it was claimed in teaser)?


Goated patch lowkey


Can’t wait for Tricia


The best patch loved it


BetterZip can't extract, says the file is damaged. any ideas?


Mac file is damaged. Tried using betterzip and the unarchiver and none work.


This patch was so good ferd, keep it up.


Mac file damaged for me as well. Betterzip says the same thing


Mac file damaged even using BetterZip


cant get the PixelDrain link to work


Mac Is damaged, maybe upload mega link for Mac ?


Yeah as others have written, cant get the Mac files to work regardless of which Zip extraction used


Mac is fine I don’t know why y’all’s aren’t working feels bad for the homies hope y’all’s start working soon tho


Yup, mac is down. Any advice?


I'm too stupid to figure out how to extract with 7zip apparently. Keep getting unsupported command errors


Hey guys, I just woke up. I'll see where else I can upload the Mac version.


Also, it says UnityPlayer.dll is missing from my computer


Amazing update! Loved the whole theme of the Family Night event. Jessica's scenes were also very hot. Great job man!

Corben Smith

Hey bud not to add to the chaos but the go to bed early event doesn't happen on the android version. It just skips to midnight instead of triggering anything? Idk if it's just me


I can't download, there is no link for the pc installer


mac file damaged anyone else?

Jonathan Henke

can´t use drive download becasue to many download tryed there


If you're meant to delete the previous version, how do you transfer saves?


Anyone know a work around to get the go to bed early to start on android?


For Mac users who are having file is damaged issue, please try these steps. Open Safari Click Preferences Under the General tab, uncheck the option Open “safe” files after downloading. Download the ZIP version of the game from any one of the links Extract using "The Unarchiver"


I did the family night first, and then once finished I skipped to midnight went to mortys room and I was able to do it


Im proud of you Fredafs. This was probably the best patch you ever made, it would be nice if there we a little of anal next time.


This was one of the greatest updates so far in terms of content, although I will say I did find the dialogue to be very cheesy, but it was no doubt amazing. Thank you.


All mac users get"Error 79 – Inappropriate File Type or Format" when they try to unzip the file. It's the size of the program... Macs own unzip doesn't allow unzipping very large programs. So for it to work u guys need an external program like winrar's "Rar" program to unzip it :))


maybe don't be a weirdo and use a mac, get a real computer instead of something made so a 3 year old could access something (that's apples words not mine)


Holy shit that summer scene was hot, family game night is an instant win.


I'm sure you got plenty of ideas on where Jess and Mortic could go! Can't wait to see more of that development!


So does it work now, can we download stuff?


Cannot wait for Tricia patch sometime this week!


nope, still can't download anything.


Nope, still can't download anything


please tell me you have a way to fix this.

shoot 1

Solid content, can't wait for the Tricia portion !


i cant do the go to bed early quest


Nothing is working mate, the Mac links are damaged no matter what I try to do, with safari, Betterzip, the Unarchiver, WinRar, nothing works...


To be fair I haven't been able to try the main Drive ZIP file again in a while because "Too many users have viewed or downloaded this file recently. Please try accessing the file again later" so il try that one again later I guess

Thic Boi

Love the Beth Stuff!!!


Quick question, was the washing machine/kitchen scene the only Beth scenes? Or was there more?


the new links aren't helping. It downloads for like a minute then i get a 'failed, network error'.

Mike Wazowski

can someone who got it to work on mac please give a step by step guide? lol i just wanna play the game


yeah. do what mike said please.


Anyone get it to work on mac?


can't get it to work on Mac


Anyone who's having issues on Mac, can try these steps: sudo spctl --master-disable Then extract the file using keka.io/en


I just wanna say that this update is awesome and I can't wait for the Tricia patch. Good work, my guy!


Those instructions tell me absolutely nothing.


I don't know how or why this is so hard. could you please give an explanation as to why nothing is working?

Mike Wazowski

Would it be possible to upload a browser version so everyone can access the game without downloading?

John Cat

Do you download all of the installers or just one?


The windows installer is 3 parts, you need all 3 parts for it to work.


ALL PEOPLE USING MAC: if it's damaged use "The Unarchiver" to unzip ad it will work!


i had to switch from spectrum to AT&T, but it works now.

Koda atwood

Literally none of these for Pc worked, not to mention the Anon tried adding a ton of spam and trackers. Kinda disappointed...


How do we get the PC links to work?

Wilbur Conklin

I think I am losing my mind. Can someone tell me what the Jessica action is? I remember Family Night. Can't remember what happens after going to bed. Can't remember anything at all with Jessica. All I see is Valentine's Card. Isn't that old? So you have to do Family Night to unlock something new with Jessica? I might have to start over...ugh.

Wilbur Conklin

Otherwise...fucking around with Summer was BADLY missed. Please do more!


so anytime i ask mortrica why she looks so worried my screen blacks out and never comes back... just stays froze on black screen.


download a extractor. extract the files and then you should be able to play.


download a extractor, extract the files and then you should be able to play.


never mind i got it to work. if you ask he why shes worried at school its glitches out but i did ask her at night in mortys room and it went just fine


Any update on getting it to work on mac? Has anyone successfully gotten it to work?

Lilw Blevins

The Valentine's Day stuff is old. The new stuff has Morticia Jessica and Morty in it.


Any chance we can get the md5 checksum hash for the MacOS version? BetterZip is reporting file corruption and the app keeps segfaulting.


Anyone any luck on mac?

Mike Wazowski

Loved it ! Can’t wait for the Tricia part ! Love me some mean horny girls :)

Phat Ballz

By the end of week did he mean Friday or Sunday?


Quick question, was the washing machine/kitchen scene the only Beth scenes? Or was there more?

Phat Ballz

Think that was it. I think each female got a scene in this patch. Missing one that will be released soon


begging for jessica progression PLEASE

Jonathan Heard

i think its supposed to be tricia coming in the second part of this patch which im so looking forward to my favorite characters are beth tricia


One of the best updates man! Well done. Love the summer scene. Hats off to you sir!


Any luck on mac yet? Anyone?


Did you use betterzip? If you click "open with" and choose betterzip a folder should come up with the game in there.


When the update with Tricia comes out, are these links gonna be update or is it gonna be a whole new post?


So is it just for me or are all the links not working?

Phat Ballz

there working for me used winzip and everything ok

The Nubian Prince

if you use the first link and log in you can download no problem.


2nd google link worked for me guys


For Mac!


Damn what an update dude!!


Yea drive Alt!


When will we see Tricia?!


Did you do anything other than just download it to get it to work? Whatever I try I can't get it to work.


Anxiously awaiting part 2


I doubt it'll be today, Ferdafs makes great work, but sucks at meeting deadlines.


So I have tried updating my macOS, doing things in the terminal and opening the zip file with different programs and nothing has worked for me. Just getting messages that say the file is damaged. HELP!!!!!


When will we see Tricia get CREAMED?!


is this 3.1 everytime i update it says 3.1


Is the Tricia patch out?

Phat Ballz

Wait so the patch is out via mindblowers?


What's taking so long?!


Give this guy some slack. He is just one guy working on it. He could be a bit better at updating us on the progress but he's got a lot of work to do. The new Tricia route will be out when he is done with it and I haven't even gotten the game to work yet. If anyone can help me out with getting the mac version to work that would be great.


the nights watch is just a joke because the updates usually come out at 3-5 am EST


He needs to add audio to the clips. That would be a good touch.


usually my mac tells me i do not have permission to open and then after i fix that it says the file is damaged which ive also learned how to fix, now im getting "error 79 - innapropriate file type" if anyone knows the fix please help. also i greatly reccomend "itech4mac" on youtube he taught me how to get past the first 2 errors.


Is Jessica part in this update


i cant figure out how to download the game when i do download it its just a notes file how do i change this

John Williams

Hey I just got done with taking Jessica to Blips and Chitz and just got done with Joel and the marriage thing for Tricia. Are there any other things I have to do for both Tricia and Jessica or is that all there is to do for now?


Follow the quick walkthrough instructions for this post. You will have plenty of content.


For anyone having troubles with the Jessica quest, you need to go through the family game night event before going to bed early starts the Jessica event. If not it just bumps you forward in time. hope that helps.

Jacob Rops

where is the zip for the regular computer im not seeing one


Can this scene be put into Mindblowers?