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Hey my lovely hyungries! 

I'm so happy to announce that I've finally hit a patreon goal! I won't say specifically but just to put it into perspective, I've gained enough love & support to be able to finally be able to do what I do, full time! 

Story telling and making erotic fantasies is my passion, and I feel absolutely blessed that I can do this as my full time job for the time being!

To give my greatest thanks & appreciation of reaching this goal, I've whipped up a special video for you guys! It may be random since I never posted anything about it but I present to you, 


A TIP FOR IPHONE USERS! If you're using the Patreon App, the video player won't be able to go into full screen mode (horizontal way). I'm not sure why but it just doesn't. To fix this, click on the Dropbox link or whichever link I use, go up to the top where the URL is -- tap and hold until you see 'copy' pop up. Copy and the paste the address into your mobile web browser of choice(Chrome, Safari, etc), then it should work fine!










I realized I never really did anything in an outside setting, so I decided to take the opportunity to do so! Jon & Jaden are back for a little picnic date together, which suddenly turns into a little fun in the sun 😉

A few notes I'd like to say before you hate me_

  • I'm still sick so my voice condition isn't so great. I'm also not really confident in my ability to voice older men characters like Jon so it may be a little awkward.
  • Sorry for the shitty smoke effect lmao I'm still learning ok!
  • I don't really make exhibitionist/public scenes as much as I'd like to because making maps of environments and outside is really difficult. However, I'll try my best in the future as I know many viewers like that concept!
  • I lost the voice clips for a scene in the beginning hence there are no voices lmao sorry I was too over it to re-record them so I just left it silent.

Below are some updates and my thoughts and thanks! Read it after you watch if you'd like!

This past year has been a crazy roller coaster in terms of what's going on in the world. It's also been a little over a year since I've launched my Patreon. I'm honestly still in shock that I've received so much love and support from you guys. Regardless of the reason that you choose to support me (obviously for your own benefit of my content), I still very much appreciate you even pledging and supporting my work although it becomes free after a period of time. What started off as a just a curiosity of "Wow, I wonder if I can make stories using this game..." suddenly turned into this! A couple years ago, I never imagined I would be doing this as a full time job after college. It's funny how life works, huh?

Although it may seem like a dream job to make erotic stories all day, it's really not a walk in the park. As a lot of new faces are joining the hyungry family, I'd also like to restate this.

I am just one person. I do not have a team, I do not have a partner, I am a solo content creator. That is why I want to say now-- please do not expect so much from me. Being a one man team and doing what I do, although I love it, is a LOT of work. 

I have to write a script, find resources, do research, build a 3D set, set up the 3D scene(lighting), film the 3D scenes, edit the video together, add the subtitles, do the sound editing, and recently, do the voice acting as well. It's a lot! I'm sure some people don't really care what goes on behind the scenes but I just want to say that although I do promise to make videos for you guys since you pledge to me monthly, I cannot promise to release a video every single month. Along the way, I make changes. I add/remove stuff constantly, my video length always goes up from what I originally intended so that means more work is being done. I also announce certain videos but things happen along the way. I'm full of ideas. It happens that I tend to lose interest in videos that I'm currently working on which is why I'm often working on side projects as well to help refuel my interest in my main projects. And as you saw last month, I do experience burn out from time to time.

Sure, I could hire a team and have someone edit my videos or do my sound editing but being a content creator, especially being solo for so long and knowing how to do everything, you prefer to have things done a certain way, which is why all of my videos have that hyungry flavor to them! Haha, kidding, but you know what I mean! Don't take this as me complaining. Yes, I do all of this to myself but I love it! I just don't want to give people too much expectations and not be able to meet them. 

Alright that's enough rambling from me. I also wanted to give an update on this months progress. As I've mentioned before, I've been bed-ridden sick for the past week. I'm not sure if it's COVID as I'm fully vaccinated but I sure feel like death. I couldn't even celebrate July 4th with my friends & family because I was coughing my brains out! I pulled through to make this video but I really think my body needs to rest for a few days to fight off whatever it is I have. In terms of OVA 3, I'm definitely not near completion of the entire thing but by the end of the month, depending on my progress, I will make sure to split it and release what I have done. It'll still at least be around 20~25ish minutes long. I feel like I keep delaying and breaking my promises. Again, I'm sorry but unexpected things keep happening to me lately 😓

Also, in terms of voice actors -- I'll be posting something soon for auditions/voice reels to find a couple of voice actors for my next project! If you're interested, keep a look out in the future!

I'll update again within the next couple of weeks. Until then, and again -- Thank you my hyungries! I appreciate each and every one of you!

- love, hyungry

Subtitle file is included below if anyone would like to translate it into their native language!




Omg yes! I’ve been subbed for months and I love all the work you do!! That’s amazing news 🥰


Thank you for spoiling us when you can. You always do a great job so that’s why we stay because we can tell you put effort into it


Omg that ending was so freaking cute!


Congratulations!! I'm so proud of you and all you've accomplished! It's amazing how much progress you've made in such a short amount of time. You can ask us not to expect much from you, but we all see your potential and only wish you the very best. Hope you feel better! Don't forget to hydrate and spoil yourself every so often. It's on us! Lol


You are an amazing & talented content creator. And at least for me, it’s fun knowing I’m helping in a small way to help you live your dream. I hope fans are not complaining and demanding more from you - as a creator, you need time to decide what to create and how to bring it to life in a way that you’re pleased with. Take all the time you need to create wonderful erotic stories we enjoy so much. Also, sending you hugs going you recover soon. Take care of yourself.


Congratulations on reaching your goal! I love supporting you and your work. Your work is just the best, so thank you. Take all the time you need to rest and get better. This OVA was also amazing.


I will always love your projects, In each video you upload you can see the great effort you make and it ends with total success, I will always admire you 🥰


Congratulations on reaching your goal! I love all of your work!! Another awesome OVA like usual. Get the rest you need and can't wait to see what is upcoming!!


The real question is what happened to all the food😭😭


Would you be able to add a mega link too? I have trouble downloading from Dropbox

Stuart Foulkes

Wow ! Just woke up where I am with this lovely surprise ! Saving it for a viewing tonight .You are the ONLY Patreon I support financially and by clarifying how you do things and being very honest in your own life issues makes me feel very honoured to be part of this group of supporters . Grateful for any material “ as and when “ , don’t sweat the small stuff:-) Big virtual hugs :-)

Tannie girl

You’re honestly my TOP favourite Sims 4 creator! The growth seen in your projects it’s like your content just keeps getting better and better. The little details like: - the leg shaking orgasm (HOT🥵) - The sounds against the car - Your added VA 😍 - The directing of it all It looks so seamless 🤩🤩🤩 like its irl *CHEF’s KISS😘* Masterpieces take time & its worth the wait


Congrats on your success!! I still feel super lucky that I came across you and your work by some crazy chance and I’ve been a fan ever since! I’m honoured to be able to witness your progression and continue to look forward to your future projects!! 🥳🥳




Congrats! You deserved it! And I'm happy with what you apready giving us. As far as i can see none of us are harrassing you to do better or faster. Take your time and do it like your used to it. Thank you for everything and please, please go visit a Doctor when you're feeling this Bad. Dont focus on Videos when your health ist certainly important! I hope you will get better soon!


you truly spoil us sir and i appreciate surprise releases!! continue doing awesome work as always and congrats on hitting your goals!! P.S. these two are becoming my fave couple 🥰


How can i send you my translation of the subtitle? I did it for this and would like to do for Trespasser in German.

Marquise Pride

Oh my gosh, I can't believe it's been so long! I'm definitely glad to have stuck around so long to see how you've grown and advanced your trade! Thank you for doing the lord's work and sharing your talents with the world! Definitely one of my better decision in terms of who to support. Your videos are worth ever bit of currency! Thank you again and as always... Self-care is best! You will get no complaints from us if you need to take a break to get better, especially if it's just you doing all this work! We can't lose you to fatigue!! That aside, thank you again and many times over!

Marquise Pride

Sidenote: I remember when you first explored the idea of a big age gap with the silver daddy and the pizza guy. What fun!


Thanks so much for the! I've really been enjoying these two?


Congrats on your achievement! I only have one criticism. Living in a rural area myself, and with how hilly that landscape looked, I have my doubts that that little sports car would have made it out there. Not something super important, but I got my SUV stuck last year, a 4-wheeler had to pull me out haha!


Please upload it to a file hosting website (like google drive or mediafire or whatever) and just send me a DM on patreon with the link! Thanks Jay!


this is my favourite pair aside from our new trespasser duo I’M SO EXCITED TO SEE THIS!!!

Hervé Ah-Sue

Thanx so much for this great surprise and congrats!

Cesar Abella

Oh wow! This is a great surprise! Thank you so much, Hyungry!


Thank you so much Ethan! I'm glad you feel that way, and yes-- one person's minor contribution can change another person's whole world! That for which I'm extremely grateful for! I hope to continue to bring happiness to both you and the rest of my lovely supporters! ♥


you continue to amaze me!! as always 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🥵 well done!


Great work! I love public fucking, so this was like the cherry on top for the delicious cake you served us with 'Trespasser'. All the stuff you do is stellar, so I'm excited to see what else you come up with. But just make sure you take care of yourself! I hope you get over whatever sickness you have soon!


This was a nice surprise. Really enjoyed it. :)


My favorite👅👅👅 I can watch a million times😏😏😏😏


You poor thing. Can't catch a break, can you?


Woah what a lovely surprise!! Will be rewatching soon


Hello Hyungry! Thank you so VERY MUCH for this sweet surprise, Summer Heat OVA! And thank you very much for this sweet sincere message. Yes you love to tease us and most of us I'm sure love it! We are excited especially because you often outdo yourself. But please keep in mind that your fans and supporters like myself still enjoy returning back to your other works! I still love rewatching Jason ,Zack, Alex, and all the rest. Your magic is still there and their stories are still enjoyable on many levels. Thank you for reminding how how much work, time and creativity it takes to produce even the short videos. I hope you are getting the rest and recovery you need. That is more important to me than just wanting more and more. ( always leave them wanting more, lol). Would like, when you are up to it, to be posted on how you are recovering. Thanks again- Big Hugs!!


Hahaha, no breaks needed for me right now! I just don’t want anyone to be disappointed by the end of the month!


Awesome . I think after all the times Jon did Jaden , he needs a piece of his own medicine.


Thank you for this gift ! So cute ... So hot ! ♥


What an awesome surprise! Thank you for all you do for us! Umm I’m absolutely going to watch this again and again! 😏


OMG!!!! Yes thank you!!!!! Btw thank you so much for your content. I am glad I can support you in whatever way I can


Thank you, im always so impatient because I love everything you do, but the wait is well worth it and im glad for any updates you give,, this was such a nice surprise,, i hope you get better soon and continue to do what you love, we dont mind waiting 💗 💖


this was an amazing surprise!! congrats hyungry! take all the time you need, your works only continue to improve immensely after every upload! its truly amazing to see thank you so much for your continuous hard work ❤

Christine Melofchik

Thank you for all the work you put into the videos and congratulations for hitting your goals. Take the time you need to get your health back to 100%. All you work is Worth a rewatch and if it gets any better I might die lol. Keep doing what you love well wishes 😘