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For scientific research purposes... I'd like to know--

Were you able to last and pull through until the end of the video 


Did you require multiple viewing sessions to finish the whole thing? 😉

It's anonymous and lets me know how to keep directing my videos in the future, haha! 



I actually needed to re-watch to see the parts where he had prostate orgasm. Small details make it more interesting to re-watch, not your typical straight forward animated porn concept.


already watched it 6 or 7 times since the release. So the other Movies and OVAs, i guess I'm kind of obsessed with your work and trying to still my thirst for new content - Batter up and VR OVA 3 (or my secret wish for a prequel of LMM and SE - Jason and David rendered.. ugh boy 😏)


Ngl I kept on spacing out and thinking abt this film since I saw it. This is really my favorite one you’ve made so far. I feel like the voice acting really brought it to life though and it didn’t feel like one of those vids with actual people with the bad acting that ruin the experience. As usual, you did great with the dialogue and plot. I usually watch the film through so that I can appreciate the plot and animation and go back after I finish watching to appreciate in other ways… Again, great work! 👏👏👏


Personally, I need more "romance," like in almost all your other wonderful creations.


I know, Dave! Soon! Sorry, I still hope you somewhat enjoyed it though!


I stopped after the first 15 minutes 😭


Maybe it's just my really bad habit of getting distracted, but I sat through the whole thing thinking, "I think the Trespasser is the Bartender, Shaun!" and I kept playing it over and over and over thinking that same thought. Not exactly what you were looking for was it? Sorry. But I really did like this. I like all your stuff.


I think the length of your videos is great! (Sometimes I find myself wanting more 🥵) I personally prefer little to no story or like your recent works (SH2, VR3). However No issues watching it through. I usually watch it over and over again cause it’s just so damn good! And I also love that most of your videos end with the option for a possible prequel 🥳 (Maybe a certain comic, HH, could have a prequel video? Haha)

Stuart Foulkes

I enjoyed it a lot but tried not to watch too many of the teasers clips or gifs beforehand so I could let it unfold. I love all the quirky things too like towards the end when the bed was moving in rhythm. Though the VO of the Trespasser was ok for the purpose tbh regardless of who did the voice I got a little distracted with it ( but that’s only me ! ) I too thought it was Shaun towards the end ( we will never know eh ) … but whoever it was should have left the door to the apartment open maybe to allow some more uninvited guest to join in. For me , Nothing will beat Step Education and especially that camping scene ! :-)


lmao i thought it was the Bartender too lol but since since Hyungry confirmed to this is the same Shaun Pheng from Virtual Ride i figured, Nah our Shaun wouldnt do this XD he doesnt have the heart nor brains nor tact to pull this off XD


I think the trespasser was the bartender.


I can assure you guys, it is not Shaun lmao 😂 He was just there as a fun little cameo!


That's what my dude said too, and I was like NO it's definitely a daddy with that furry chest!


OMFG I lost it right after Jace shot his load the first time. Cubicle office boy by day, Slutty cum whore by night. The Trespasser unleashed a deep hidden side to Jace. Maybe we will see more of these characters sometime in the future. Fan-fucking-tastic Hyungry!!


I voted the first one but I’ve been watching it a lot 👀


I feel like trespasser could have a part 2. I mean the sexual chemistry was off the charts and it seems like the burglar couldn't resist coming back for a round 2.


Glad you enjoyed seeing Jace have the time of his life, Ethan 😉


I got halfway through and finished, and I needed to go take care of some errands. But when I got in the car the audio started playing top volume automatically over the speakers 💀 thank god I was driving alone. Reminder to everyone to exit out of the video lmao


Oh my god hahahahaha! I guess you should’ve made it all the way through the first time 😉

Mila Mar

What do you mean a part 2??? You obviously mean part 2, 3 and 4!