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Hey farmers!

Progress on Build is still very much under way! Candace's animations are about half done, the feeding minigame is just about done, and the barn is finally being renovated!

However, in the meantime to help bridge the gap, I just wanted to cover a few questions that I've seen pretty consistently asked! Hopefully this'll help shed a little light on anything y'all have wondered about with the project.

1. Can Sky/Izzy gain weight/drink any potions?

At the moment, no. I don't really intend for them gaining weight to ever be a major focus, and I'm not sure if they'll ever drink the cow potion. But maybe in the future.

That said, I do intend for their WG to be possible later on. Either through "bad endings" when attempting to venture through the Deep Woods, or other parts of the story that end up with Sky getting a taste of her own medicine.

2. Can S'apphire become a cow?

Once again, not at the moment. However, I do intend for it to be possible later on in the story (once the game has a proper narrative). At first, she'll start as simply the malicious potion saleswoman who's "on your side", but later on, I intend to add the option to double-cross her. :)

3. Are more sizes coming after immobility?

Yes! At least one additional bigger size is planned for the future. Possibly more. I can't guarantee a specific date, but it's definitely planned!

4. Are more in-between sizes coming?

Likely not. Adding additional sizes in between would be a LOT of extra work for little payoff, unfortunately. However, that said, there is the "bloated" states that are coming for each size which work as a sort of bridge between each size!

5. Will there be other forms of expansion/TF in the game?

Yes! Obviously, WG and cow transformation are the main focuses of the game, but it won't be the only options! When more and more areas are implemented, there will be more and more situations and shenanigans to get the girls into that will widen their waistlines and turn them into all sorts of things! I can't guarantee there will be content for EVERYONE, but things like blueberry inflation and cum inflation are definitely planned.

6. Why does the camera freeze in place sometimes? I thought you fixed that bug?

I thought so too. End this suffering.

7. Can I romance the cows at some point?

Yes, actually! It'll take a while to implement, but I'd very much like to add more interactions with the cows and ways to build a relationship with them over time!

8. How many characters will be in the game?

It's honestly impossible to predict at this point. The scope of the game is still very much to be decided. Right now, the goal is to usually try to release a new villager with every major build. Obviously that doesn't account for dryads or random NPCs that you won't be "bwoomph-ing", but one villager per major patch is what I'm gonna shoot for.

9. Why is there only girls in the village?

Contrived plot reasons. Cursed forests, only women allowed in the woods, ancient magic placed there by minotaurs, etc etc. You'll have to wait until there's a proper story to figure that one out!

10. Why does Sky look like humanized punk Sonic the Hedgehog?

shut up, stop it

11. Best girl?

Mocha, next question.

12. I wanna be in the game! Is there a way to get OCs into the project somehow?

I've actually been thinking a lot about this. Obviously it'd be impossible to have tons of people submitting OCs as villagers, but with the Deep Woods, I'd love to have random quest-giver NPCs that pop up for Sky to talk to. I think later on, it'd be fun to have some of these be the OCs of top supporters of the project as a way to say thank you. I'm not sure how far in development it'd be, but it'd be a fun addition I think.

Alright! I think that about covers it. Now, it's MY turn to ask a question!

For the three cows so far (Mocha, June, and Candace), what do you think each of their favourite foods would be? 🤔



Firstly, limited knowledge here. Only played the demos thus far. If theres other info out there ive been blind. :) Mocha is kind of a baddy. With the cabin/woods vibes it seems old timey. Something they might serve in a bar or tavern (where baddies might hang out would be fitting.) Roast Turkey leg? June sells the Dryads. Has vines. Seems earthy. Something with heavy spices and plants seems right. Baked potatos? (Loaded potato for calories?) Candance is the baker. I know little to nothing else about her. The obvious thought is cake or donuts. If we were more specific... Maybe a Bundt Cake? :)

Dandys Chest

Tbh you've got everyone's vibe right! And don't worry, no need to stick to medieval-only style foods! This here village has themselves everything from fresh pie to greasy cheeseburgers. A cursed village in the woods doesn't have a lot to focus on except furthering food technology and science, obviously.


I don't know why, but I'm thinking June is into burgers (maybe for extra irony in being cow-ified)


I'm curious how the bad ends in the woods are going to be handled. Are these going to be game overs, or more something that ends your run through the woods with a respawn back in the village?

Dandys Chest

Yeah! It's just an ended run through the Woods that will send you back to the village.


My anticipation is high, I can feel the love being placed into this game


You have a point right there! Hmmmm.... I still think the loaded baked potato and bundt cake are in play (for me). Maybe change turkey leg to... (it's hard to connect 'baddie/thief' to a specific food), big ol stack of pancakes. Just because in my head breakfast often gets left out. If you REALLY wanted to glue it to the baddie type, devils food cake. (Or angel food cake for irony). ;) Also, just wanted to say great work thus far. Im always excited to see whats to come! Good work!

Kevin Rodriguez Carrillo

Candace: sweets and bakery, mocha: meat, June, something more like... Fruits?


I’ve seen a lot of suggestions spread out across the comments of multiple posts, maybe a suggestion box pinned to the top of the patreon to keep all of them in one place would be a good idea? (Also I gotta agree with Cyzyman’s assessment)

Dandys Chest

OH MY GOD I DIDNT KNOW YOU COULD PIN POSTS. I'll keep this one pinned for now, and then once I make a proper "Let's take suggestions" post, I'll replace this one with that


Awesome! That'll make it fun to go hunting for bad ends


Well, hold on a second; Im all for opinions… Just not when those opinions are wrong. June. Best in the village: hands down, ass up, fight me at the D&D session on it. You know it in your heart to be true. But for real though, I’ve got to give it to you, props for the dedication and quality you’ve funneled into this project. We’re rooting for you, and genuinely invested in seeing where this project goes. Quality Patreon you got here, worth every penny. Keep up the good work. Oh, Creme Brulee, Berry cobbler, and Boston Creme, in that order.

Dandys Chest

Honestly, that means a lot, mate! It's almost enough for me to forgive your blatant disregard for common sense, smh (Fr though, love June, you are valid 🙏)


Super excited for the next build! I just wish that you could toggle the bovine noses in the character portraits as they feel a bit more snout-esque than personally appeals to my tastes but thats really just a nitpick when I love all the other content so much!


In response to #5: BIG BOOBA BIG BOOBA BIG BOOBA Only found about this game recently, loved what I played, and thus this is my only request/suggestion. Can't go wrong with big ol booba potions.


Candice seems like the kind of girl to like sweet pastries and milk shakes, not sure what mochas favorite food would be but she seems like the type to order a drink that would make a barista question their line of work, June seems like a vegetarian and would get her flavors from herbs and spices so i would say vegetable curry and herbal tea, S'apphire seems like the girl to behind closed doors devour an entire plate of chocolate covered strawberries. The favorite food system seems like a great plot device for sneaking the girls potions, they do seem to complain about the taste quite a bit, as well as fattening up npcs by trading them their favorite food for money or quest items

Tommy Showbiz

A little late, but any thoughts on making a community discord server for the game?

Dandys Chest

Maybe eventually! My only hesitation is that I've heard it's a lot of work to moderate discord servers, and right now I'd rather spend as much time as possible on development.


Is there a way to open the inventory without going to a shop girl or the crafting bench? I've tried every sensible key binding and none of them work. You might also consider putting the number of items above the icon in the inventory rather than below it, so the cursor doesn't cover it up.

Korota (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 20:38:21 Is there any particular requirements for the dryads to get bigger? Like, do I need to have extra space in the plot for them to grow into, or is it just 3 spaces for all the stages?
2024-02-09 20:38:21 I think I found a bug. Sometimes, when a cow gets full while I'm feeding them, the food I was giving them gets dropped and disappears if I open up another item menu.
2024-02-09 20:27:33 I think I found a bug. Sometimes, when a cow gets full while I'm feeding them, the food I was giving them gets dropped and disappears if I open up another item menu. I also lost a refridgerator when I tried to reposition it inside the house.

I think I found a bug. Sometimes, when a cow gets full while I'm feeding them, the food I was giving them gets dropped and disappears if I open up another item menu. I also lost a refridgerator when I tried to reposition it inside the house.

Dandys Chest

Noted! When you say you lost the refrigerator, did the item fall out of reach, or just disappear?


I can't recall exactly, but there was no mini version of it on the ground or anything, it was just gone