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Hey everyone!

Seeing as the scope of this third major build has gone a bit further past what I first expected, I figured it was only fair to keep everyone updated on what was coming. I'd have liked to get the update in everyone's hands by now, but I'm afraid I'll need a bit more time to put in everything that I wanted to have ready.

As you can see above, though, one of the major new features, the new feeding minigame, is coming along nicely!

Here's how it works:

For the minigame, since it's a major part of the gameplay, I didn't want to leave it as a simple skillcheck that gets repeated over and over again, since it felt monotonous. Instead, I opted for something similar to those mobile match-three type games!

Essentially, whenever you put one of your cows in the feeding state, you'll be able to pick food from your inventory. Each food has a unique Fullness and Weight stat, and later on, I think I'll have different cows prefer different kinds of foods for various benefits.

When you feed a cow food, one of these colourful block pieces will appear above your inventory. Matching three or more of the block pieces together will reduce your cow's Fullness by a certain amount depending on how high the number of the piece was. When three or more combine, it'll leave behind a higher number block piece, all the way up to 5. The higher the number, the more the Fullness is reduced so you can keep feeding!

If you ever run out of space on the board, you can either hit the refresh button or press "R" to reset all the pieces.

Aside from this, the other features are coming along quite nicely. Candace is being implemented, a second dryad type is currently in the works, resource gathering, chair-breaking, and more!

While I doubt the update will come in November, I'd very much like it to be ready in early as December as possible. So that way all the tiers will have a new build to get their hands on in time for the holidays! :)

That's about it for now! Thank you all so much for the astounding support, kind words, and feedback everyone's been offering. It really means a lot, and it's definitely keeping the ball rolling so I can keep putting out updates for the project!

Hopefully soon, we'll be able to start adding some story, and we'll finally get to dive into what exactly Sky is doing in a place like the cursed forest....


Gorge Valley Eating



How many character will there be total?


This looks awesome! Maybe down the road there could be different animations such as laying on their belly or such! Either way, this rules :>