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In the late autumn of 2014, a legendary youtuber by the name of Zisteau released his first factorio series... I caught the virus and have been playing factorio ever since!

5 years later, on 17 oktober 2019, the first episode of my first edited playthrough came out: the original Biter Island. 

With a measly 5 years of factorio gaming experience, I was of course a fairly mediocre player at the time, with not much knowledge of the game's inner mechanics. Then again, it was like 8 factorio versions ago, and even core game mechanics were still being changed all the time. Heck, at the time of this playthrough, the rocket launch and having 7 science packs where still pretty new! Before that, there were only 4 science packs (red and green unchanged, blue similar in cost/difficulty to current blue, no mili/purple/yellow science, but "alien science", which just required you to kill biter bases and scoop up the purple goop they dropped! Winning the game involved building a 4x4 tile squeare with a white background and the text "Rocket Defense" on top, upon which you had to survive another 10 minutes while all nearby biters attacked your base simultaneously! Yeah, times have changed :)

Despite making what I now know to be fundamental gameplay mistakes for biter heavy maps, like switching to the 3x more expensive red ammo way to early, and then researching to increase damage from 8 to 9.68 to 12.8 to to kill small biters in 2 shots instead of... 2 shots... :/ Despite that, strats like cheap pipe walling and prematurely striking enemy attack groups before they grow too big and attack the base were already were a thing!

Anyway, this was my first finished factorio series :)

It's the first and worst edited series I guess (no music/sound editing at all, text in fixed corner instead of near the action, etc), but ist's also the most viewed one by far... A catchy title with a promising thumbnail of a small, heavily inhabited island must have drawn quite a few viewers... or perhaps it had more to do with it being released around the same time as my most viral playthrough: A minecraft skyblock map speedrun with 25M views, which lead the mighty algorithm to favor my channel and recommend my factorio series to a whole bunch of minecraft-only viewers, I presume...

Anyway I then proceeded to severely killed the algorithm's favor by posting only factorio content for the next years, and here we are :) And I must say, I'm glad with the path I followed which ultimately lead me here, independant from Youtube's whims, thanks to all you wonderful folks, which is an amazing thing. And if/when Youtube's ever more aggressive advertising policies will come back to bite them at some point, and should their imperium crumble and fall, we can safely move to a different broadcasting/video platform without too much care. Especially now I'm starting this Video Archive, all my series will be safe and available to watch for you without annoying interruptions. So, (re-)enjoy my very first series, on settings which where pretty hard for me at the time, have a laugh at all the gameplay mistakes, and admire the crude graphics as well as the crude editing and the long way we've come since then!

00:00 Surviving the Opening

01:46 The 3 Outposts

04:10 the Quest for Piercing Ammo

06:26 The pressure builds...

08:00 Countermeasures!

11:00 Cozy Corner: Building a Real Base

14:23 The Wall

16:50 Science?

18:18 Trouble on the Horizon

19:53 PANIC!!!!!!

23:40 The Battle for Oil...

27:39 the Black Gold

31:14 E X P A N D  Production!

34:09 Blue Science

37:32 The BIG Guys...

38:27 How Not To Change Your Power Network...

41:33 Personal Robots and the Power Armor!

45:25 Are we OP yet

45:39 Even a Donkey...

47:33 Ultimate Damage Output

48:32 Power Armor mk2

49:59 Endgame

53:00 Real Men Don't Launch Empty Rockets! (or they are too noob to know you don't need to launch a sattellite to win...)

53:35 Stompfest

55:24 Victory Lap



Your minecraft skyblock speedrun was the first ever video I watched on your channel, Youtube recommened that video all the time until I gave it a try and later saw that you are doing factorio videos wich was nice cause I just had started playing factorio, I didnt watch much because there were only subtitles and I am a slow reader and also wanted to watch factorio in the background but your tightrope challenge catched me. I became a patreon with the release of your first episode of the last series cause it was dubbed and also awesome I had to see another episode and dindt wanted to wait for another week and now I am waiting patiently for the next series


I think Biter Island was the original video that put this channel on my radar. Good to see the OG content, and also cool to see how your content has evolved! Still enjoying this raw-fish milkshake with a side of BOOM, and looking forward to checking out this megabase run!