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NOW HERE is the WIP of the animatic. It's really rough sketches, but it's mostly to get the idea across.

So what do you thing? do you thing the sex loops could be longer? is it ok for the amount of positions? any feedback is welcome.

Also, some sketches of boobs.

Edit: UPDATE on the video 




Don’t know if it’s me but the link links to a post about a Nier Robot Cosplay.


haha yup that's the wrong link, it's someone doing some crazy Nier cosplay! ;) Great sketches though, love the cheeky teasing


I like it so far, but would def like a bit more poses if possible? Full Nelson?


yes indeed! they are very intriguing. <3


I'm definitely looking forward to the finished product This animation looks really good so far.

Earl Armstrong

If I could offer a little suggestion, in the concept design of the male character you have a nice lose sketch of snakes around his wrist (which i'm guessing is his tattoo come to life). Maybe you could include this in the part where he hushes her or a little wrap around the leg when he hold it up. Not really necessary since it a long process as is but it would be a nice little something, other that it looking pretty good.


Yes! i think this can help a lot. I was looking for something to add to the characteristics of the characters, and yeah this one helps a lot to that.


Ooh, looks awesome! You right away capture the hesitation and nerves of public sex, but make her super tempting with how she strips and bends over. The pacing of each cut is spot on, not too long and not too brief. Having them get caught but making it all silly at the end is a really fun way to end it, too! Only thing I'd suggest is keeping a sense of partially stripped or tugged aside clothing for easy access but making it possible to re-cover with just a quick scramble. Shirt up over tits, panties pulled aside or yanked down just below the asscheeks, etc. Makes it tougher to animate all the clothing in there too but really amps up the sneaky public feel of it.


Hey, thanks a lot!! :D and yeah, it will definitely will have clothes at a side, i know it's an important element 👌