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Hey everyone!

We're aiming to release V0.05 of Malise and the Machine on September 10!  

This means that your pledges will be processed at the end of August / beginning of September.  This will be the last update before we switch over to the new campaign model (unless Patreon for some reason hasn't rolled out the instant charge feature for all creators yet).  

What this means is that we will be distributing the rewards the same way we've been doing it (you'll receive links via Patreon messages).  I'll announce in a future post once we've switched over to the monthly model so that you can change your pledge amounts to match the new reward tiers, which will be made available at the time of the transition.  This will likely occur sometime in October.

Progress Update

Work on V0.05 is going great, and all of our work is surpassing the quality I could've expected.  Naturally, we'll be down to the wire as far as getting in everything we want to, but at this point I'm pretty sure that's the price for pushing our creative limits.  Here's a quick rundown of the major accomplishments since the last post: 

  • We released an interim build for Inner Circle members on August 3 that contains a preview of Neon's new outfit in action and AltairPL's map overhaul framework.  We received a few bug reports that we've fixed, but nothing major, which is pretty outstanding considering the entire map engine was ripped out and rewritten.
  • As mentioned above, we have the mechanics for changing outfit types in place, along with most of the necessary UI edits.
  • I have a total of 87 portraits for Neon's new outfit completed, as well as the map sprites.  I think this is a testament to our workflow / organization / software optimizations because I don't think I could have done this previously in this amount of time.  I still have quite a few to go, by the way.
  • I have quite a bit of artwork done for a new story H scene, but still have a ways to go.
  • TK's 3D map editor is functioning and he is beginning to put out some great results with it.  He's recreated the Access Tunnels Entrance map as the first true test, and while we still have some kinks to work out and a couple of features to add, it's a proof of concept that we'll be able to create more visually interesting maps that maintain the original style in much less time than it took me to process and assemble the old ones by hand.
  • AltairPL's map overhaul now has all of the major features working, including a lot of features that will make creating map events easier for us.  As it turns out, the overhaul came at the perfect time because it would have been nearly impossible to do what we are doing with TK's map editor without some of the major internal changes.  If you're curious about the performance boost, my mid-high end machine went from 70 FPS to 110 FPS on the map (with the 60 FPS limit off mind you... note that if you had really good performance before the overhaul it will be less mind blowing, but a big part of it is that it gives us more room to do crazy stuff in the future).

We're basically on track toward accomplishing everything we set out to for V0.05 as listed under 'Question 7' in this post right here, so if you're curious as to what V0.05 will look like you should get a pretty good idea from that.  Probably more than any other release this one will resemble an iceberg in that what you see is a small fraction of the work done to improve future releases.  Expect a more detailed list of all the features (front and back-end) once we get closer to the release, but in the meantime feel free to ask any questions!

Lastly, I want to mention that we got a lot of interest in the community manager position I mentioned awhile back, and I want to thank everyone that took the time to talk to me.  I decided it's best for us to get a feel of how the community environment and task requirements will change once we move to the new campaign model before bringing someone on, since part of the goal of the new campaign model is to reduce workload related to distributing rewards.  It's likely that the position will more heavily involve promotional work because recently there's been zero effort going into promoting the game due to effort going toward development.

That's it for now, and thanks again for your continued support! 




Oh snap. Release date is 3 days before my birthday. Early birthday present, woo!


Also, props to TK, because the Access Tunnel recreation looks GREAT!


If we're at one of the 'pledge twice - get full game' tiers, but this will be our first pledge, how will the Patreon pledge model change affect our eligibility to recieve the full game once it is complete?


That just means that pledging twice at that tier will put you over the $20 requirement for the uncensored retail version reward. The real objective is to pass $20 total over the course of the campaign for that perk.

Jamie C.

so as a question based upon the balance of characters in game is Malise getting a looksy in terms of her role as it stands Neon is really vastly more powerful, her stun and heal ability is really useful, but when you play as malise she has double shot and she is suppose to be quicker will she get abilities that will reflect her speed and adrenaline pool cause she has way more than neon but almost no abilites.


Problem is that starting skills planned for Malise require some kind of changes to the battle engine, and the team programmer, not to mention that he's lazy bastard ;), has kinda more important stuff to do, like ongoing map overhaul, so Malise's skills are constantly left for later. After all the love Neon's getting, it would probably be good to do something for Malise as well... hard to say when though.


Where I can download the Demo?


If you became our patron just now and want to play current build for patrons, contact Eromancer. If you want to play public demo, you can get it from the blog: <a href="http://eromancer.blogspot.com/2016/02/malise-and-machine-public-demo-release_14.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://eromancer.blogspot.com/2016/02/malise-and-machine-public-demo-release_14.html</a>


Glad to hear a release date, feels like longer than it was :) Really excited to see the new changes - planning to pledge when new pledge format is set in place!


Please pardon my inquiry, save game data from v0.043/5, will it work with v0.05?


Unfortunately not due to the extent of the changes. We'll provide a save allowing you to start after the Fleshfather fight though.

Jamie C.

I gotta +1 your response dude I am glad I have to restart best scene yet :D


I was wondering, is it possible in any way to play this game on Android? I've heard about "original RPGMaker" games being run on Android but since you tweaked the engine, I don't know if it's possible.


Unfortunately no :(. RPG Maker came out with a version called MV that uses Javascript and can run on mobile devices, but this was quite some time after we had started on MATM.


Thanks for the replies and keep up the good work!