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Hey guys,

I've updated the October 31 test release download links with a patched version!  This fixes a few nasty issues that popped up during our recent round of changes, and also includes two new fixes (shown with the ** symbol).


  • Multi-team H scenes now play in-game again.
  • Bosses no longer get stuck in temporary walk loops after being struck
  • Fixed missing SFX and electricity FX from Onyx vs FemCop H scene loop and finisher.
  • Fixed FemCop's forcefield opening after pushing Onyx against it when the previous animations are skipped.
  • ** Fixed issue for some players where loading screen skipped its transition animation when loading into the World Map / a new mission.
  • ** Fixed issue where text/logo on loading screen would appear scrunched together when using a lower game resolution than desktop while fullscreen is enabled.



I was hoping for some oral stuff with the newest ffm scene. Is anything like that in the books?


It would be great if Waraxe went into Onyx more tightly. At least at the beginning of the animation. Still, he has a big dick))


When to get down to business fly???)


Didn't find the update patch... Could you send a new post with the updated link?


I've updated the links in the original post linked above ^-^. They now go to the Patched release instead of the old one.


Yep there will be significantly more ^-^. The Thug + Runt scene has some if you haven't seen that yet~


But when i download it, it's just the old one... Don't know why


Not sure, it should be labeled the "October 31 Patched Release" instead of "Test Release" -- you can verify that it's the new version in the Main Menu (at the bottom right it will say November 3 Alpha). Here's a fresh upload with a direct link in case the other page is bugged for you: https://mega.nz/file/mNsAWKJI#_yQ_7KQJOt2ezSQuheriTE2M2hgEO9PMz1mmw9vDodk

Jade Golem

Fantastic so far. If I may make a recommendation. If you were to create color pallet variants amongst the models you can have two fem cops or any other two of the same enemy type in new animations for dual H-animations. Possibly different hair styles or helmets to help with the process recycling of assets in future development. Would like to see two fem cops going at Onyx. Maybe a dark skinned variant with Shinobu Jacobs' Hair but obviously toned down to prevent clippage issues from No More Heroes, probably in a purple suit vice the blue, and orange hair. Or maybe keep the hair now but make it orange. She's got three holes you know :) Thanks for any possible consideration.


We're actually looking at updating our shaders to allow for palettes ^-^. We plan on using this to indicate difficulty for enemy types, and want to add what we're calling a "Wave Shifter" system that allows for the player character to equip found palettes.


Any chance of you adding some non-human H scenes in a coming update? I know you mentioned you were focusing on levels with human enemies at the moment. Those H scenes are great, but frankly, the monster scenes were what drew me to MATM. I was hoping for something similar in Pure Onyx. Just a little sneak peak would be much appreciated. Even if it's just to see whether you are aiming for similar content as in MATM or not.


It's been a while since I've pulled a release down and I'm digging the changes. That said, I do have a couple of suggestions for gameplay improvement. 1.) It might just be me, but I'm having a bit of trouble with stomping. Often times I'm moving when I kick and if I'm moving downward I end up stomping instead and get punched in the face. Other times times when I'm trying to stomp on crawlers, I either don't get the down right and kick, or I move too far down and exit the hitbox. Would it be feasible to add another key-binding specifically for stomping and allow us to disable down+kick to stomp? 2.) I think it would be beneficial to have equipped items removed from the inventory panel and placed in a separate panel. This creates a couple of benefits. First it frees up inventory slots. Right now equipped items consume a lot of the limited inventory space and it would be nice to have the extra storage. Second, it declutters the inventory panel for when you're on missions. Given that you can't adjust equipped items outside of the hub, they just don't need to be there. This now creates 3 separate "storage" panels that are accessible at specific locations. General Inventory remains accessible at any time regardless of where you are. The Stash remains accessible at The Hub and at in-mission merchants. And the Equipped Gear panel would be only accessible at The Hub. Just my two-cents. I think the work you're doing is great and I can't wait to see what the next updates look like.


Screwed up and kept pushing return instead of shift return while trying to post. I did see the original response that there is a function modifier coming later.


Any chance we can get an h-scene w/ Onya in the "Jack-O" pose?


Maybe at some point as an easter egg :D. Have you seen the animation we made for the twitter event ^-^? https://twitter.com/EromancerGames/status/1430523970298777608


They did mention improving the stomp functionality. Also I agree the UI in general just needs a few improvements like inventory management and integrating equip and shop menus so you don't have to keep bouncing back and forth. At least make it adjacent tabs.


I rarely write anything. but the larvae are almost invincible. especially for people like me who are not that good at beat and ups.


I rarely write anything. but the larvae are almost invincible. especially for people like me who are not that good at beat and ups.


Hold down + Kick to stomp them ^-^. Or use an AoE like the finisher on Onyx's punch combo. Stomp will be less annoying to perform after the combat overhaul. There will also be a sliding attack and additional AoEs that can hit them.


Also, don't forget to block their leap attack. They also de-agro into a docile state if you stop attacking them for a bit (can simply run away for a bit). While in this state all they can do is bite at Onyx's ankles.

Sean Jackson

I'm not a fan of the wormy things. They mob you and their hit box is awful. Please lose them.


They aren't intended to show up in the game until later, after Onyx has more skills. You're meant to stomp them currently, and stomp will get reworked so it's easier to control after the combat overhaul. You'll also be able to do a sliding attack which makes them easier to hit. Regarding them mobbing you, they only do this after you attack them, and will calm down if you run away for a bit. We may still make them less aggressive however ^-^ feedback is important :D. Also, don't forget to block -- they become much easier to handle if you block their leap attacks.


It's just a lousy enemy, really annoying to deal with