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Hey guys!

We're working on something important but still need a bit to get it where it needs to be in order to show it off.  We were hoping to be ready on the 15th, but it's been a lot of work in a short amount of time x_x.  Expect an Inner Circle update in the next few days, and thanks for being patient!



Thanks for the update. I'll be honest and say I share the same sentiments as some donors here, that they're starting to feel the development process is taking too long without a playable update. And I'm very eager to see one hopefully soon, even if it's just a small add-on to the last playable release which was like a year or more ago? Don't get me wrong, I entirely understand where you guys are coming from especially with just a super lean development team of 3? 4? persons, so it's really hard to churn out a good game with such little manpower since you all have to work on graphics, coding, story, artwork, script, mechanics. testing, debugging etc. I'm not pulling my donation, because I believe in you guys, but I hope that other Patreons who read this comment know that if they do feel that it is taking too long, there's a reason behind it. Besides, good things come to those who are patient. Right? :)


While I share the same sentiments, I'm honestly not sure how much of an update game play wise we would get. The group is attempting to rework what they have AND create new content. All the while running into the many issues that come with learning new stuff and fixing bugs/glitches. While I certainly look forward to a demo drop, I think it would delay what content they have planned for now. But who knows? Perhaps something good will happen?


Heyo Ero. I mostly agree with Arnold's comment. I won't be pulling my support any time soon if the flow of updates in these last few months keeps up but I understand if others are frustrated. That being said, can we get an ETA on the next Inner Circle Update? Even roughly?