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I think it's been over a week since I last made one of these posts- two, even. Turns out we literally spent less than 24 hours in Chicago for the funeral, and head back almost immediately. We still wound up eating up 4-5 days, and I got in a pretty yucky state around then as well. Blahblahblah excuses excuses, but I figured I'd let y'all know why I didn't get anything of substance done last week. (At least, not for Sihai. I did some Billyverse/Memory Eternal stuff while I waited for this week to roll around to get back onto the Sihai grindset mindset

Without any further ado, here's the list of things I got done and what they mean n all that

1- MC's Introduction CG!

As MC has been remodeled a bit, especially with regards to his head, I redrew the MC pictured in this CG. On top of that, I tried out a different style for the linework on CGs. As you can tell by the other cgs, lines are usually pretty crisp. The brush I used on MC here, by contrast, is much easier and faster to use, at the cost of looking more sketch-like. I think I'll likely continue with this style of linework for most CGs in the future, since I like the way it looks c:

2- Paul's Introduction CG!

I applied the new shading to Paul here, which I'm happy to say works really well. More eagle-eyed viewers may notice that Paul's wearing a hat now! This is because Paul will be wearing a hat now in much of the early game.

3- Shen's Introduction CG!

Though I changed Shen's head as well, I felt the differences between Shen's new sprite and how he appears in this CG isn't all that different from each other. I do need to make a couple adjustments to the CG though- namely the spirals in Shen's mane, the dad bubble, and the background.

4- Jehu's Introduction CG!

He's lookin' grumpy, which is good! I kinda want to give off the "wrong impression" when you first meet him, and I think this CG will do just that. His smile and optimism, gone...


5- Alan?

Hahaaa teeheeee y'all remember when I said I wouldn't update anyone else? Well... Alan also hasn't used up his pass for that, like Shen...

All joking aside, I'm hoping to make Alan more visually distinct and, to be perfectly honest, more appealing to myself as well- which means he's gettin some weight on his bones. He's still very strong though, and will be taking up the musclegut mantle that Shen has drifted further from. My friend also let me borrow the idea of giving him that ponytail, which I feel adds a LOT. I'm also going to be making his mouth have them fuzzies!

(I've also adjusted his junk, shrinking his dick some in preparation to make him a hella grower, very long, and giving him saggy bull balls, a trait no one else in the main cast has)

By the end of all this, Alan should feel a lot more visually distinct.

6- Jorge, really?

Ok listen. I mainly just wanted to thin out his legs some and put them to the bottom of the screen so he's standing up normally instead of having that weird squat from before. Turns out that necessitated somewhat minor adjustments to the bottom of his torso, which then meant small adjustments to the top of his torso... and I figured, hey, Jorge's been kinda bugging me and I feel like he's not quite as good as he could be. So! I'm kinda breaking my word on my "I'll stop reworking things" thing, but I think Jorge should be an exception, like Paul and Jehu. He's getting his big change here, I want him to look the best he can :X

7- Aquilo!

Only one thing changed- his dick has been repositioned to sit further under his belly, hiding about half its length at this point. His belly, too, has been reshaped so that it's being physically pushed up by his sheer girth. Bulges have been remade and reshaped. He's lookin cute!

Next up on the chopping block will be Alan and Jorge (again), and hopefully their introductory CGs as well. I think I'll likely change Alan's intro CG entirely, but we'll see.

That said, my grandmother is visiting out of nowhere this weekend, so I'm likely to be interrupted for cleaning time. Whee. I'll still try to get stuff done tho :V

See y'all next week!




Loving these! Loving the slight tweaks n changes with the into CGs and the the rest! It just shows how much though and effort you put into them!


Alan with a strongman build rather than a sculptor's, I can dig it. And yes, the changes on Aquilo are nice (belly push <3). Not too much I can say about the others besides good work, and that I hope you're not overworking yourself with the redesigning all at once.