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The results are in! Employee-tiers have voted, and this is the end result:

It may be slightly different once it's ready to be put in game, but here we are: New Jorge!

I was actually working on the base for the sprite while the poll was going, so here's a sneak peek at his lines! There's some adjustments I definitely have to make, but I think he's coming together pretty well!

While it's 5 AM and I'm waiting for my melatonin to kick in and hopefully get me to drift off to sleep, I just wanted to take a moment to thank y'all not just for your patience, but for your cooperation as well! Voting in these polls, leaving comments, liking these posts, they're all signs that people really are interacting with this game I'm making- that they really are invested in what I have to give.

Even if changing Jorge may be a bittersweet (or sweet, or perhaps simply bitter) farewell, I can say that being able to have y'all have a voice where it comes to Jorge's change has been really, really nice- and I hope you all feel the same way! It really makes this feel not like I'm one guy working on everything by myself, but that I have so, so much support behind the actions I take. Maybe that's a bit sappy, but you all really are awesome.

I'm looking forward to showing you all more! See you with the next status update! o7

(And yes, those are among us eyes, they won't actually look like that in game!)


Hyou Vizer

That belly and thighs 👀👍