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Sprite Update...? - 2/20/23

  • I liked Jorge before, but I love hamster Jorge! 28
  • I wasn't very interested before, but I love hamster Jorge! 12
  • I liked Jorge before, but I like bird Jorge more. 16
  • I wasn't very interested before, and I likely still won't be. 2
  • 2023-02-20
  • 58 votes
{'title': 'Sprite Update...? - 2/20/23', 'choices': [{'text': 'I liked Jorge before, but I love hamster Jorge!', 'votes': 28}, {'text': "I wasn't very interested before, but I love hamster Jorge!", 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'I liked Jorge before, but I like bird Jorge more.', 'votes': 16}, {'text': "I wasn't very interested before, and I likely still won't be.", 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 2, 20, 17, 8, 16, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 58}


Haha, uhhh let's see... how to explain this one...

If y'all remember way back in the days of old or to whenever I complain about this,  Jorge's existence has always been a bit annoying to deal with. In the original conception of him, he was a twink because we didn't have a twink. In the same turn, he was a bird because we didn't have a bird. I wanted to cover as many bases as I could, to give anyone and everyone who wanted to play the game someone they could pick.

This does not work with the way I have this game set up!! In fact, that variance will wind up actively hurting the overall narrative! I can't believe I didn't see that back when I first had those designs made. What a grand blunder on my part.

I do feel that that particular problem was mostly solved when I eventually got his design into this state

He's cute!

Admittedly, I do know birds are typically less popular than their mammal counterparts, and that some people still aren't interested in him purely for that respect. That is... a part of the reason, perhaps, but not actually my main reason.

If making him chubby was for all the people, then what I'm about to bring up is actually for me.

Brace yourself

it's kind of a drastic change

hamter (first sketch- colors and pattern not final)

Making him skinny was always a disconnect between the player and Jorge, and one that making him chubby was intended to fix.

Making him a bird was more of a disconnect for ME, but for reasons I didn't yet understand. Basically: his beak is kinda really, REALLY weird to think about. The sheer number of times I've written a scene, reached a point where I go "wait... Jorge can't do that because he's got a beak..." and had to stop to think how in the world I would pivot the scene....... is really grating. It's one of those behind the scenes things that's probably a bigger deal to me than it is to others.

Now, I'm putting up this poll because I'd like to hear y'all's thoughts, but not to outright make the decision (which is why it'll be a normal poll and not a patron-voting-poll for the employee tier). This isn't to be made lightly, and allowing a single poll to decide which way I go would be a haphazard decision. As it is right now, I personally am leaning towards making Jorge into a hamster, despite how much work it'll take. Now would be the best time to do this too, what with the big start-of-game update anyway. It's now or never!

Regardless of the decision I make however, I really want to hear as many thoughts as I can about this. Ergo, the poll.

I've got a few options here, but if you have any different or further reasoning, please do share it with a comment! Hell, even a direct message would be fine if you'd rather share your feedback more privately. 


Thank you for reading, and I look forward to reading your thoughts on this matter!



Oh no I love both designs. I'm very drawn to rodent types in general, so I'm weak to hamster Jorge, but I also appreciate his green-feathered form. His personality is what really made it for me, but I understand if it's too difficult for you to write a singular bird man into a romance at this time, having to replace various actions with similar intimacies and such. I'll just have to keep a copy of an old version on standby to see bird Jorge whenever I need to in the future. Edit: I forgot about shift+enter and posted too soon. Wanted to add that whatever his form is, I'll trust the decision you make, since you're the one having to write the scenes for him. Both forms are cute to me


Will he keep the same junk proportions? I’m a fan of the size differences/variation in the size and shapes of genitals you were drawing before. Variety in both big and small boys!


I'm actually running a poll for that as I type this! Out of 3 options (Small/Original, Medium, and Large), medium is currently winning. Chances are he'll be bigger than he used to be, but compared to much of the cast he's still pretty modest