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I'm still working on the next part in this big ol' relaunch update, though I'll admit with full transparency that it's been kinda rough. After what feels like a million distractions and crises, I've fallen out of the habit of being truly productive. I'm trying to get back into it, but it's hard. As the new year approaches though, I'm sure I'll get some more progress done (even if much of it is fueled by the desperation to hold true on my word).

With that all said, I wanted to thank you all. As much as I know this is a rather large undertaking, I also feel that I've been coming up short a lot. So, thank you all for being patient as I try to work out this relaunch update, and I'm truly sorry that my progress has been lackluster as of this point. I really, really hope I can reward that patience soon, and I especially hope that you all find the product is worth the long wait.

(Also: I can't wait to be done with this so I can move back to making normal monthly updates... :V)



Good luck with working through the winter times, and thanks for the update on what's going on