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Technically it's only been the second for like 5 minutes but hey. I'm not dead!

Long story short, my productivity has been shot in the foot for a while now for far too many reasons, and it sucks. Some of it's truly personal, while some of it is because my motivation is all over the place right now.

I'm going to get a friend of mine to bully me into having a proper writing schedule, so that should help things chug along. I'd really like to get this whole update done by the new year, but it'd take a lot of work, especially given each of these rewritten days is honestly somewhere along the lines of a full character's update at this point. Add on top of it that the 3rd and the 5th are route-specific and the 4th day has a bunch of specific interactions, and you have easily more than 13 whole days of content being updated.

Then, since this is the Grand Relaunch™ also, I'm also going to want to update and finish CGs and sprites even past that point, which'll be... fun. Yippee

then on top of that, I noticed some things that seriously bothered me with the MC's head structure, especially with the snout and the sides of his head. I decided to redraw them, but... to be honest, I'm having an irritating lack of success here. While I feel the general shape of the head is pretty nice now, getting the expression pieces just right is proving to be an extremely, extremely frustrating challenge. Add on the fact that I stepped on a shard of glass right before drawing his expressions and. Well. Gonna be totally honest, it's so frustrating I kinda felt like throwing up.

Or maybe I just caught the flu from my sister.


In any case, I know some people have expressed their concerns but I am not quitting this project, nor is it on haitus. I promise you all I will complete Sihai's Legacy*.

*barring anything that would literally physically prevent me from making the game [knocks on wood]

Anyhoo, see y'all next time I have something to share. I really hope y'all will think the wait was worth it!



Please make sure the glass shard site doesn't get infected. D: Thank you for keeping us updated on what's going on, and good luck with the rewriting and redrawing