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Hello Friends

  Monday Morning again, so lets brighten that gloom up with a preview of a new piece by Christeen.

As ever this has not yet been published anywhere else yet and is a gift from the girl herself, both to you,my friends for helping me and as a way of helping support our blog.

Big hugs





I agree, another great way to start the week. Both of them are looking just smashing.


Ugh! You are correct. Still awaiting the sun to lighten the night here, but the sight of another offer from Christeen and Ms. Andy L is a delight. I always look forward to a view of Chris' legs on a stroll on top of stylich heels. The cobblestones must be a B*tch. He is stunning in pink-ish and his matron, taking him to his punishment on display in the Doll House is dressed for a wake. Does he really need a leash? or does it intimate the ever present control?

Andy Latex

Yes those cobbles would be a B' to walk on but I think Chris can handle them now. Bless you Lee for such kind words XXX