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Hello My Dear Friends

Bless you all for being here. Today It's a mix bag of bits and bobs, including a couple of draft concepts which never got to see the light of  day until now.

First. This did get completed tater on, with different dialogue , It is one of my early favourites.

Second is just an outfit idea, I know it was based on something I saw somewhere but for the life of me it escapes me. I do know I loved the finish on those deep wine red pants.

Then a very rough mid point draft, this was going to be the Dollmaker, with Andy all boxed up ready. I have another version of this on my working board, but it ,like many others, gets dropped further and further down the pile as new ideas enter my head. It might be interesting to note the sharp lines I used back then, before adding colour with an old photoshop program

Finally early Andy at work in an office, The name of which might only be recognisable to one person in our little band.

Thank you again






Not to me, over here, but quite the variety. He would make a delightful splash if he showed up in that wine colored outfit to a board meeting, or the reading of a relatives will. Who would not love to have that little sparkle of joy running around the office as P.A. to the Woman in charge. A special uniform for special interns?


Bits and bobs and archives all brilliant ideas and gorgeous artwork. First, I adore the delicate slip. The dialogue is all brilliant fun and true. Second, a very powerful outfit to wear and admire. Third, lovely bright shade of dolls dress, very cute and very suitable for Andy. Maybe he would not leave the box being, so comfy. Wold take a little encouragement from an amazing woman to prize the pretty boy out to play with her scrumptious dolly. Four, well that is great image to see him tottering around the office looking after all the Lady-Boss’s needs. He’d be dead embarrassed if a Man-Boss needed something. As it is, I think he’s actually enjoying being busy and he’s well used to heels and tight skirts.

Andy Latex

You are right Lee,That wine outfit would be an excellent formal outfit and one that really makes a statement.Yes a real head turner to adorn any office XXX

Andy Latex

Hi Aidan, what lovely ideas you present and thank you for the kind compliment. xx You might be right about the box, he might feel safer behind that plastic window. I think he might intimidate any male colleague in the office, none would have the nerve to make a move, besides ,he belongs to Ms Williams and no one messes with thebig Boss XXX