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I wanted to update everyone on what has been up since almost a year, specially to Patrons and Donators Since September 2021, I had taken more or less a retirement from AOT and AWH projects except critical and technical issues, as I was working and focusing on my professional and personal life to meet my newly married life goals.
I was coming and going in between since then as needed, specially if there were any backend or server related issues, as most of the AOT and AWH project is now automated and in capable hands of @flygon727 and @PirateGamer and @TheChildren maintaining AOT constantly this past year.  

However, during last 12 months a few big things happened which were not revealed to the public.  

1. One of the AnimeOut's Storage Server was attacked with ransomware malware and we lost a lot of files/data due to that attack. We migrated to a new server within a week or so but still quite a few GB of files were lost (but quickly re-encoded and reuploaded thanks to @TheChildren

2. Sometime this year (2022) start, Patreon's API stopped working with our system and broke our automated DDL/Donator account management system (they had stopped updating their API since 2021) There were a few more problems with this incident which caused a cascading effect. During same time, Gmail suspended our main email id admin@animeout.com (it was a hosted email with gmail) for which we tried getting it back for months but ultimately had to set it up at a new Email exchange, causing us to lose all our previous email and any emails we received in between.  Similarly, we were unable to access our patreon account to be aware of the messages that Patreon-Donator accounts was not working for months, as we could not perform 2FA due to lost of mail access.
Icing on cake was the fact that early-mid 2022 was also the peak of my Professional life and I was not getting any time to focus/fix the Patreon issue which needed a complete rebuilding of our automated Donator Account system, however, I did keep helping and manually creating donator accounts for anyone who messaged me on Discord or if I noticed any message. The ultimate result of this whole mess was that compared to end of 2021, our donations had fell by more than 30% and I had been paying a part of our total server and maintenance costs out of my pocket for a few months since I had no other option due to lack of time (to fix the Patron issue). This has happened for the first time in last 4 years for AOT/AWH not being self-sufficient to pay its costs from its donations.  

3. At end of October 2022, there was another hack that happened but instead of a single server, our whole account with our datacenter was hacked and compromised, giving the hacker access to all our servers. It was 5 days of sleepless data backups and restores along with constant communication with datacenter and footing close to a thousand dollars to hire a server security expert to make sure there was no backdoor left in server or any data loss that finally resolved the issue and restoration of our datacenter account.  

4. The ultimate arrow-in-the-knee moment happened just last week in my personal life when I became a victim of a RAT (remote access tool) malware hack where a hacker disguised himself as a client to me and got access to my main PC via a malware disguised as a game demo.
Via this hack, he got access to all my google drive files, cloned my browser (session/cookies) and ultimately stole close to $35k from my online wallet account (professional work).
This was majority of the money I had earned and saved towards my dream/goal throughout this year of hard work and it was all gone in a day.


These are and were the 4 major incidents and updates I wanted to update to everyone, along the fact that I will be making some time for AOT/AWH to address the pending issues and update things as and where necessary before having to start my work from scratch again and deal with the financial reprucursions that might happen from losing our savings all of a sudden.  

With this said, here comes the first update being, the Patreon API and automated DDL/Donator account system has been fixed and updated to new changes and should be working fine now. All the donators/Patrons should have received their new login details mail just now and will continue getting new DDL Login details each month as it used to happen till last year.

PS: Other than this I also want to thank all the donators who continued supporting us regardless of the issues or not receiving their Donator DDL Access, it is only due to them that AnimeOut and AWH survived the last 12 months of catastrophe.  

I always say this but would like to say it again, the donations are meant to keep AOT survive and be self-sufficient. It is only due to the donations that AOT is able to maintain such a large library of 10 year's work of encoded anime and the Private DDL access is a perk to thank the donators for supporting us.
The donations would still be needed if one day we had to close or stop the private DDL access, because otherwise AnimeOut will not survive even a month and all the anime we have encoded in last 10 years would forever be lost.



Szephy Arulag

2hours still didn't received the patreon account, and no one answering the DM's Can someone respond?


Just replied, your account should have arrived already in email PS: Your message was received during my sleeping time