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Hello everyone,

I hope everyone is sound and healthy during these difficult times, thank you for your evergreen patronage to keep both AnimeOut running.

Patrons for the month of September has been processed and your login details have been mailed to you, please check your spambox if cannot find our mail in inbox or drop me a message to get a copy of it.  

If you joined us around end of August and were charged again at start of September (double charge), please drop me a message for a refund.

I want to say that if anyone who is going through some shit in their life and want someone to talk to or vent out their emotions, you can message me here and you can always drop by to our discord server to talk to others:


Furthermore, if anyone is going through a financial situation and wasn't able to donate on Patreon (but have donated even a single time in history), fret not and drop me a message, will provide you DDL access, cause that's no reason to not watch some Anime.


Raul Miranda

same here 11/14/2022 i ahve been waiting an entire week and I still dont have access to the private dll.

Raul Miranda

I have a solution: Join their Discord channel and contact @Shiroyasha directly and let him know your issue related to login credentials. He will fix it