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Just created new login details and sent them to all the patrons.

New FTP/Batch login details have also been sent to $10 and $15 patrons.

If you got your login details email, please let us know below in comments so we know everything is okay.

Do check your spam box for email from admin@animeout.com to make sure you got it, heck white-list us in your mail.

As always, gratitude for keeping us alive and going.



Jeremy Gordon

I received a login yesterday and it isn't working. It says invalid username when I try to use it.


Just replied to your mail, make sure no empty white spaces at end if your copy pasting the password and check yoru using them at the DDL login page and not main website, I just logged in using your details and it works


hello first. I pledged and know ill get new login information via e-mail connected to my pledge. Is that Correct?


Yes, and if you were charged and your patreon pledge was a success, you should have already gotten your login info via mail. If not in inbox, check spam. If still cant find it, send us a message via patreon