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Should we start doing 1080p encodes ?

  • I don't really care 4
  • 1080p please 63
  • 720p is good enough for me 32
  • 2019-03-22
  • 99 votes
{'title': 'Should we start doing 1080p encodes ?', 'choices': [{'text': "I don't really care", 'votes': 4}, {'text': '1080p please', 'votes': 63}, {'text': '720p is good enough for me', 'votes': 32}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 22, 8, 37, 7, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 99}


Its high time and we have always had a 720p-only stance due to very little quality difference between 720p and 1080p (sources itself) and since most of the Anime Studio's were stretching 720p releases to create 1080p animations.  
That and the fact that most of our users and releases were intended for people with low bandwidth, slow internet and screen sizes upto 27" (you guessed it, 3rd world).

But times have changed now and more and more studios are doing real native 1080p animation. People have better hardware, larger monitors/tv and overall bandwidth and internet conditions are improving for most of the countries.  

Above excuses aside, I tried watching/streaming some anime on my 43" TV when I was home this week and realized how gutter shitty their quality is and it wasted 250-300MB~ of my bandwidth. And they were all labelled 1080p streams (animeultima/kissanime).  

I tried watching one of our 720p encodes on same TV and god bless us, it was decent quality and watchable, considering our encodes are aimed for 27" and lesser screens.  

All these facts made me ask myself, should we perhaps start doing 1080p encodes now and perhaps even try x265. x265 lets use push for more quality in same or lesser size but trade off is its not supported in most hardwares (beside PC), so yeah no playing our encodes on your smart tv or xbox or such. 

What do you guys think ? And how many of you also watch Anime on TV ?


Wow, good to see a lot of you are actively providing feedback. Just wanted to clear a few things from the feedback I have seen.

1. Even if we do 1080p, 720p will continue to be released. It will be both 720p and 1080p for all new ongoings (and maybe older series on request, perhaps bluray versions).  

2. Our ideal size for 720p has always remained 100-150MB (150MB~ being for action or highly detailed animations). For 1080p, our ideal size would be 200-250MB~

3. Thanks to all the regular support by you guys, were good on storage for our DDL servers. Our current entire encoded anime collection is more or less 5TB and we still have enough storage space to last through next 2-3 new seasons. So for 1080p or x265 releases, storage space is not a problem.

4. Some of you might know and some might not know this, but there is no longer a team behind AnimeOut anymore. Almost everyone has left to pursue their IRL goals and I have been keeping AOT running and alive for past year(s) just because there had been people like you who were actively donating to keep the largest archive of encoded Anime alive, specially since we have a few Lost Anime which can no longer be found online or offline (even legally/physically like discs).
It was due to this fact that I created the whole RapidBot encoding system which is a automated system and bot that encodes all our releases, uploads them and now even releases them on the site/via email.
As such, there is no extra stress/work for me since I just need to modify the RapidBot system to do 1080p as well. 

Since some time I have been wanting to turn AOT into a app rather than a site to make it more safer, secure and prone to DMCA or legal issues. My goal is to create both desktop and mobile/TV apps since I myself like watching Anime on TV more and more now.
Our supporters are ever increasing and I hope we can soon reach the monetary goal to either hire a dev to create such app, or make it worth my time to do it myself.

PS: As many of you might have noticed, I recently took some time out of my schedule to work on optimizing and site and its web server. Site used to take several seconds to load but now loads within a second and is pretty fast. 


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