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Hello and welcome to another UPLOAD WEEEEEK BAYBEEEEEEEEE *airhorn noises* *car alarm sounds* *a power saw for some reason*

I'm not excited. Like not even a little bit 😂 I mean I am excited for the video to be done so that I can finish up Alan Wake 2 and knock out  a few short games before Rebirth drops on leap day, but this video... much like if your mother in law drove off a cliff in your new Corvette, I have mixed feelings about it lol. 

Also that was a joke, my mother in law is a delight. Just to clarify lmao.

But yeah, I don't know how to feel about this one. You may have noticed that I never posted here last week and that was for a multitude of reasons but regardless, I'm back and I'm almost halfway through editing the next video. 

I'll be editing some of it for you LIVE in a little while actually! At 11:00 AM CST, about 90 minutes from now, I'll be right here to hang out. These streams are by far my favorite part of doing Patreon stuff for you and we always have a cozy little turnout. So come on by!

I'll also get into my thoughts about this video if you're curious. But don't worry, I do think this will be a good episode and I think people will like it, I just... you'll see haha.

Not much else for you right now my friends. Next week however, I think I'll have a handful of things to talk to y'all about. Exciting things btw, topics, ideas, etc. Oh and bloopers. Everyone likes those. 

Alright, see you guys in a bit!



Dunno...an evil mother-in-law going over a cliff in your new corvette seems like a solid investment to me. Cheaper than the alternatives at least 🤣

Wendriel Le Fay

Sending hugs and encouragement despite the fact that I had to skip the stream today. :) I'm excited for you to be through the video production process and on to things that you find more exciting, because you deserve good things and it has to be a struggle dealing with a project that you're not entirely sure is a quality endeavour. I'm sure it will be wonderful though. In the meantime, as always, take care of yourself and try to find time for you whenever you can. :)


Daryl, just wanted you to know that your videos have become a source of personal therapy for me. 2023 was the worst year of my life, and was in intense therapy for 10 straight months until I was better (went through a traumatic breakup where I almost got married, lost my job, and lost my support system all within 3 months). During that time, I would watch your videos. Many of them I watched multiple times. Especially the one about Souls games. It finally encouraged me to overcome my fear of Dark Souls, and I made it past the Asylum Demon. Still a long way to go, but I accomplished something I never thought I’d be able to. I don’t know if this will mean anything. But I just want you to know that you made an incredible impact on an average guy in Central Pennsylvania. You’re the first creator on YouTube that I ever subscribed to their Patreon. I could go on for a while, but this comment is long enough. Keep creating man, I’ll always be supporting you. Thank you for everything. -Jimmy


The mention of Alan Wake 2 feels fitting to my profile pic. 😂 I’m new to your Patreon and started watching your channel about a month ago. The content is fantastic and keeps me engaged. Keep up the great work Daryl 👍🏻


Hey Jimmy, thank you so much for sharing and I'm honored to have been able to help in some way. I'm so sorry about your 2023 and I hope 24 is as good to you as it possibly can be my friend. Stay strong and keep your chin up, life's darkest moments are only that, moments. They come to an end and you're strong enough to get through them.


Hey thanks Kabuto! Probably finishing Alen Wake 2 this weekend, I feel like I have to do a video on it soon. There's just so much there lol