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Hey everyone! Sorry for this being so late this week, I've been on a little bit of a victory hangover from this video lol. Tekken, FF7 Remake, lots of MTG commander with the buds, it's been a blasty blast. Have some bloopers.

Genuinely though, thank you all so very much for the reception on this latest video. It's performing quite well analytically, and more importantly, it's resonating with people on very deep level and that's always the true goal with videos like this. So again, I can't thank you all enough. I'm thrilled to have been a part of this :)

But you know how it is around here, this is DTG so we can't do two of the same type of video in a row. Expect next month's video to be a little more psych based. It'll be tackling a question that I get a lot and I ask myself a lot that I think applies to us all... Some of us more than others lol. Look for that to drop on February 24th, I'll be starting up the script next week. 

Not much else on the docket right now! I'm trying not to get too ahead of myself this year and really just focus on the video I'm ON before I start making a lot of long term plans. But I do have some fun topics in my back pockets. Rhymes. Rhythms. Other... words that somehow start with "Rh". 

I might also start streaming on twitch again every now and then? Maybe like a once a month thing just to get a bunch of heads in a room and try to find- Rhetoric. That's another one. -try to find more niche games/movies/etc that I can consume and potentially talk about in the future. We'll see what happens there but that sounds like the perfect thing to stream. 

Anyways, XOXO. See you soon and remember, to get something you've never had, you might have to do something you've never done. Be brave friends. 



Really liked the last video, never played the game but I'd love to try it out at some point.


Stoked to hear the video is performing well! Excited to see where you go in 2024 💃🏻 (To the moon, hopefully 🤞🏻 🌕)